Rhetoric List #3

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what is an invective?

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what is an invective?

a verbally abusive attack

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what is a metonymy?

a figure of speech in which a representative term is used for a larger idea.   Ex:  The pen is mightier than the sword.  Other examples can include the White House, the crown, Wall Street, etc.

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what is a motif?

the repetition or variations of an image or idea in a work used to develop theme or characters.  An example would be the use of birds and bird names in To Kill a Mockingbird.

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what is a parody?

a comic imitation of a work that ridicules the original.  It can be utterly mocking or gently humorous.  It depends on allusion and exaggerates and distorts the original style and content.

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what is an aphorism?

a terse statement of known authorship that expresses a general truth or moral principle

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what is a caricature?

a verbal description, the purpose of which is to exaggerate or distort, for comic effect, a person’s distinctive physical features or other characteristics.

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what is an archetype?

the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model, or first form.

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what is an ellipsis?

indicated by a series of three periods, the ellipsis indicates that some material has been omitted from a given text.  It could be a word, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, or a whole section.

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what is an inference?

making an educated assumption based on material presented to you

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what is an irony?

at the most basic sense, saying the opposite of what you mean; also used to describe situations in which the results of an action are dramatically different than intended. 

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what is a litotes?

ironic understatement where an affirmative is expressed by the negative of its contrary. Examples: “You won’t be sorry!” (You’ll be glad.) “Not too shabby” (Good!)  “He wasn’t as young as he once was.” (He’s old).

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what is a digression?

a section of a composition or speech that marks a temporary shift of subject; the digression ends when the writer or speaker returns to the main topic. Digressions can be used intentionally as a stylistic or rhetorical device.

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what is a parable?

a story that operates on more than one level and usually teaches a moral lesson

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what is a dialect?

the re-creation of regional spoken language such as Southern dialect.

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