Absolute Direction
Corresponds to the direction on a compass: north, south, east, west, and combinations such as northeast and southwest
Absolute Distance
The distance that can be measured with a standard unit length, such as a foot, yard, mile, or kilometer.
Absolute Location
A precise position on Earth's surface
A map that distorts the geographic shape of an area in order to show the size of a specific variable; the larger the area on a cartogram, the larger the value of the underlying variable
a person who makes maps
an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals such as age, sex, and race.
Choropleth Map
A thematic map that shows data aggregated for a specific geographic area, often using different colors to represent different values
Contagious Diffusion
The wavelike spread of ideas in the manner of a contagious disease or forest fire, moving throughout space without regard for hierarchy
Cultural Ecology
The study of the interactions between societies and their local environments
Cultural Landscape
The built forms that cultural groups create inhabiting Earth and the meaning, values, representations, and experiences associated with those forms
The pattern by which a phenomenon such as the movement of people, or their ideas, technologies, or preferences, spreads from a particular location through time and space
Dot Density Map
A map that uses dots to represent objects or counts; the dot can represent one object (a one-to-one dot density map) or it can represent a number of objects (a one-to-many dot density map)
A territoriality bounded system consisting of the interaction between humans and the environment
distance above or below sea level
Environmental Determinism
The belief that the physical environment is the dominant force shaping cultures and that humanity is a passive product of its physical surroundings
Expansion Diffusion
This occurs when ideas or practices spread throughout a population, from area to area, in a snowballing process, so that the total number of knowers and users and the area of occurrences increase
Learning and doing research involving first-hand experience, which takes place outside the classroom setting
Formal Region
A geographical area inhabited by people who have one or more traits in common
Friction of Distance
The inhabiting effect of distance on the intensity and volume of most forms of human interaction; time-space compression diminishes friction of distance
Functional Region
A geographic area that has been organized to function politically, socially, culturally, or economically as one unit
Geographic Information System (GIS)
A software application for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth's surface; allows the rapid manipulation of geospatial data for problem-solving and research
Global Positioning System (GPS)
A system of 24 satellites that orbit Earth twice daily and transmit radio signals Earthward; the basis for many map-based apps that provide directions on how to get from one place to another
Hierarchical Diffusion
Occurs when ideas leapfrog from one important person, community, or city to another, bypassing other persons, communities, or rural areas
The ties established between regions and countries that over time collectively create a global economic system that is not necessarily based on equality
On a map, a line that connects or links different places that share a common or equal, such as elevation
A two-dimensional (flat) representation of a geographic area or place
Map Projection
A method for representing the surface of Earth or a celestial sphere on a plane or two-dimensional surface; all map projections distort some aspect of Earth's surface
Map scale
The distance on map in relation to distance in actual space; for example, 1 inch may indicate a distance of 100 miles
Natural Resources
Materials or substances that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain
Central points where the functions of a functional region are coordinated and directed
Nonrenewable Resources
Natural resources that are available on Earth in finite quantities and will be used up
Perceptual/Vernacular region
A geographic area that is perceived to exist by its inhabitants, based on the widespread acceptance and use of a unique regional name
How we modify space based on who we are as a group of people
The belief that any physical environment offers a number of possible ways for a society to develop and that humans can find ways to overcome environmental challenges
Proportional or Graduated circle map
A map that uses symbols (such as circles or dots) of different sizes to represent numerical values
Reference map
A map that shows geographic locations on Earth's surface, such as the locations of cities or oceans
A geographical unit based on one or more common characteristics or functions
Relative Direction
A direction that can be described as position, such as in front of or behind, to the left or to the right
Relative Distance
A measurement of the level of social, cultural, or economic similarity between places despite their absolute distance from each other
Relative Location
The position of one place (or person) in relation to the position of another place (or person)
Relocation Diffusion
Occurs when individuals or groups with a particular idea or practice migrate from one location to another, thereby bringing the idea or practice to their new homeland
Remote Sensing
the scanning of the earth by satellite or high-flying aircraft in order to obtain information about it.
Renewable Resources
Natural resources that Earth will naturally replenish over time
Reverse Hierarchical Diffusion
Occurs when ideas leapfrog from a lower level of a hierarchy to a higher level
Satellite Imagery
Images of Earth's surface gathered from sensors mounted on orbiting satellites; these sensors record in both the visible and non-visible portions of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing humans to view patterns and processes that are both visible and invisible to the naked eye
The territorial extent of an idea or object
Sense of Place
How a person feels about a particular place and why it's important to him or her
the areas we occupy as humans; it has not value until the people who occupy it make it their own
Spatial Patterns
The placement or arrangement of objects on Earth's surface; also includes the space between those objects
Stimulus Diffusion
Occurs when a specific trait is rejected, but the underlying idea is accepted
Thematic Map
A map that emphasizes the spatial patterns of geographic statistics or attributes, and sometimes the relationships between them
Time Distance Decay
Also known as the "first law of geography"; the idea that near things are more related than distant things, and interaction between two places decreases the farther apart they are
Time-Space Compression
The decreasing distance between places, as measured by travel time or cost; often summarized by the phrase "the world is shrinking"
Topographic Map
A graphic representation of the three-dimensional configuration of Earth's surface
Movement of people, goods, or information that has economic, social, political, or cultural effects on societies.
The expansion of economic, cultural, and political processes on a worldwide scale
Human Geography
The study of the processes that have shaped how humans understand, use, and alter Earth
The way in which things are arranged in a particular space
A location on Earth that is distinguished by its physical and human characteristics
Involving data that is descriptive of a research subject and is often based on peoples opinions
Involving data that can be measured by numbers
A place's absolute location, as well as its physical characteristics, such as landforms, climate, and resources
Location of a place in relation to other places or it's surrounding features
The use of Earth's land and natural resources in ways that ensure they will continue to be available in the future
Sustainable Development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
the directness of routes linking pairs of places; an indication of the degree of internal connection in a transport network; all of the tangible and intangible means of connection and communication between places.
A reference to the increasing interconnection of all parts of the world as the full range of social, cultural, political, and economic processes becomes international in scale and effect. One result of space-time compression
Scale of Analysis
a framework for understanding how events and processes at different scales influence one another that refers to the size of the Earth's surface being considered in any situation
Sense of Place
infusing a place with meaning as a result of experiences in a place
Sequent Occupance
Imprints left on the cultural landscape by a series of successive societies. Each society contributed to the cumulative cultural landscape.
Spatial Perspective
Looking at where things occur, why they occur where they do, and how places are interconnected.