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principles governing heredity across generations
what is explained in genetics? (3)
the forces behind the diversities
what is explained in genetics? (2)
"grow into something", "to become"
came from the greek word "gen" which means
determines the structure, function, and other biological properties of the character or trait
Blending Process
parent one + parent two = offspring
theory of germplasm
august weismann (1834-1914)
electron micrograph of nucleic acids
What is the molecule depicted in the powepoint?
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
What are the biomolecules?
it is a branch of biology that deals heredity and variation in all living things
- molecular diversity at both molecular and physical levels
what is explained in genetics? (1)
addresses life's fundamental questions
inheritance of traits from parents to offsprings between succeeding generations
you can select (if there is variation, there is evolution)
why is variation important?
(endemic) where do coconuts get their names from?
from the place they came from
baybay tall, albuera dwarf
what are some variations of coconut trees nearby?
macapuno (mutant)
high value, mahal, full of coconut meat
it is multi-faceted
stimulated by independent and related studies
William Bateson
coined the word "genetics"
when was the word "genetics" coined?
Gregor Mendel in 1866
said that unit factors are transmitted in a uniform, predictable fashion
Gregor Mendel in 1866
- each progeny has a physical copy of the gene
what are unit factors now called?
Blending Process
account for the children's intermediate nature
in between
what does "intermediate" mean?
theory of pangenesis
aristotle's theory (384-322 BC)
-formed everywhere in a man's body
reflected the characteristics of the body part from where it is formed
traveled through the blood vessels into the male reproductive organs
theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics
jean baptiste de lamarck's theory (1744-1829)
jean baptiste de lamarck
proposed the fundamental mechanism of evolutionary change
theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics
body modification acquired by use or disuse could be transmitted to the offsprings because semen formed reflected such modifications
august weismann
conducted experiments about the inheritance of mice tails
normal tail lengths
cutting off of tails produced offsprings with
germplasm which was unaffected when tail was cut
inheritance did not depend on the particles in the parental tail but
Kolreuter (1733-1806)
hybrids between species have uniform appearance while fertile offsprings produce considerable diversity
had the same conclusion as Kolreuter
- a bee-hybridizer
- he said none of them took into account the numerical ratios
the choice of gardnen peas (pisum sativum) as the experimental material
- self-pollinated, relatively homozygous
- produced large number of seeds so characteristic ratio could be recognized easily
why was mendel considered the father of modern genetics? (1)
he concentrated on a single character at a time
why was mendel considered the father of modern genetics? (2)
strains or varieties were true-breeding by growing them for two years
why was mendel considered the father of modern genetics? (3)
flower color (purple and white), flower position (axial and terminal), seed color (yellow and green), seed shape (round and wrinkled), pod shape (inflated and constricted), pod color (green and yellow), stem length (tall and dwarf)
what are examples of characters (traits)?
he classified hybrid progenies and determined their respective frequencies
why was mendel considered the father of modern genetics? (4)
he formulated theories that explained his experimental results
why was mendel considered the father of modern genetics? (5)
he formulated experimental tests that validates his theories
why was mendel considered the father of modern genetics? (6)
40 years
mendel's work in 1866 was almost not considered important for how many years?
most biologists and mathematicians pay little appreciation to each other
the following are the reasons: (1)
he failed to prove his principles in other plants and animals
the following are the reasons: (2)
Carl Correns
Erich Von Tschermak
Hugo de Vries
they independently duplicated mendel's experiments in 1900
William Bateson
they showed that mendel's principles also applied to animals in 1902
walter sutton (usa) and theodor boveri (germany)
independently suggested resemblance between mendelian factors and chromosomes
walter sutton (usa) and theodor boveri (germany)
segregation of pairs of factors and homologous chromosomes parallel each other during meiosis
thomas hunt morgan and calvin bridges
discovered sex chromosomes
thomas hunt morgan and calvin bridges
demonstrated the association between specific genes and chromosomes
thomas hunt morgan and calvin bridges
- according to them, each chromosomes contained not one but many genes
oswald avery, collin macLeod, maclyn macCarty
identified the deoxyribonucleic acid as the genetic material in 1944
james watson and francis crick
proposed the model of the dna in 1953
double helix model of the dna
explain how genes or dna are transmitted and expressed from generation to generation
oswald avery
-living forms as a whole
-similarities and differences encountered in the human species and degree of plasticity
what are the scope of genetics
unique, inherent pattern in dynamic interplay with the environment are the central problems of life
ability to transfer these systems to the other generations
living forms as a whole
orderly variety of patterns and their changes with time on a geological scale constitute the accomplishment of organic evolution
similarities and differences encountered in the human species and degree of plasticity
are basic to human understanding and important to human welfare
- plant, animal, and microbial improvement
- medicine
- genetic counselling
- legal applications
- recombinant dna technology
what are the applications of genetics?
Plant, animal, and
microbial improvement
By selective breeding resulted in a litany of
success stories
❑ High-yielding and pest-resistant varieties of
rice, corn, and wheat
❑ Advances in meat production of cattle,
swine, and poultry through breeding
❑ Microbial strains selected for higher
efficiency in fermentation
Identification of diseases and
abnormalities which have genetic bases
and prescription of appropriate
preventive measures
genetic counseling
Knowledge of the inheritance of certain
desirable or undesirable characteristics,
as well as pedigrees of prospective
legal applications
Helped solve problems of disputed
parentage in settling child support,
estate claims, or even baby mix-up in
recombinant dna technology
Involves joining of DNA segments from
different biological sources producing
genetically modified organisms or
transgenic plants, animals, or
recombinant dna technology
❑ Therapeutic proteins, hormones, and
vaccines are produced using this
legal applications
❑ Traits commonly used are DNA
"fingerprints" or profiles, ABO and MN
blood types, some enzyme markers
❑ Nature of these defects is known,
making it easy to take the necessary
preventive steps including gene therapy
Non-mendelian sex-linked trait
refers to characteristics (or traits) that are influenced by genes carried on the sex chromosomes.