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Population ecology
Ecological study that focuses on a population, which is all individuals of one species inhabiting the same geographic area.
All individuals of one species that inhabit the same geographic area and can interbreed.
Logistic growth
A model for predicting population change over time, considering carrying capacity and resource availability.
Carrying capacity (K)
The maximum population size that the environment can support.
Density-dependent factor
An ecological factor whose impact increases with population density, affecting population growth and resource availability.
Density-independent factor
An ecological factor whose impact is unrelated to population density, often an abiotic factor such as natural disasters.
r-selected strategy
A life history strategy characterized by high fecundity and low survivorship, leading to rapid population growth.
K-selected strategy
A life history strategy characterized by low fecundity and high survivorship, with population growth regulated near carrying capacity.
A population of smaller populations, partially separated by unsuitable habitat, but connected by migration.
Maximum sustainable yield (MSY)
The maximum population growth rate that allows for sustainable harvesting without long-term population decline.