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What historical event occurred on January 31, 1865, that abolished slavery in the United States?
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the 13th Amendment, ending slavery.
When did General Robert E. Lee surrender to Ulysses S. Grant, effectively marking the end of the Civil War?
On April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House.
What significant event took place on April 14, 1865?
President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater.
Who became president after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?
Andrew Johnson was sworn in as president on April 15, 1865.
What was the significance of the Battle of Five Forks on April 1, 1865?
It was a crucial battle in the Civil War that led to the fall of Petersburg and Richmond.
What was the Reconstruction Act of 1867?
An act passed by Congress that established military rule in the South during the Reconstruction era.
When was the Treaty of Fort Laramie signed, and who were the parties involved?
On April 29, 1868, it was signed between the U.S. government and the Sioux, granting them land in the Dakotas.
What action did the Coinage Act of 1873 take?
It ended the free coinage of silver and established the U.S. on the gold standard, later termed the 'Crime of '73.'
What was the outcome of the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876?
General Custer and much of his regiment were defeated by Sioux and Cheyenne forces.
What was the Compromise of 1877, and what did it accomplish?
The Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction and enabled Rutherford B. Hayes to assume the presidency.
What triggered the Panic of 1873?
The financial crisis was initiated by the failure of Jay Cooke & Company.
What notable legislation regarding Chinese immigration was passed in 1882?
The Chinese Exclusion Act was enacted, prohibiting Chinese immigration and denying naturalization to Chinese residents.
What were the key points of the Ocala Demands in 1889?
These were populist reforms calling for government control of utilities, free silver, and a national currency.
What was the purpose of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890?
To prevent monopolies and encourage competition within business practices.
What was the significance of the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890?
It signified the end of armed Native American resistance to U.S. government policies and occurred amid the Ghost Dance movement.
What ruling did the Supreme Court make in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896?
The Court upheld the doctrine of 'separate but equal,' thus endorsing racial segregation.
What issues did the Populist Party advocate for in 1896?
They supported free silver, a national currency, graduated income tax, and government control of utilities, among various other reforms.
What was the significance of the 1896 election between William McKinley and William Jennings Bryan?
William McKinley supported the gold standard while William Jennings Bryan, backed by the Populists, advocated for free silver.
What was the outcome of the Spanish-American War in 1898?
The Treaty of Paris was signed, concluding the war and transferring Puerto Rico to the United States.
When was the Interstate Commerce Act passed, and what was its intended purpose?
Passed on February 4, 1887, the act aimed to regulate railroad rates and practices to prevent unfair practices.
What was the significance of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890?
It mandated the U.S. government to buy substantial amounts of silver, a crucial issue for Populists, to boost the money supply.
What was the goal of the Dawes Act of 1887?
To assimilate Native Americans by dividing reservations into individual plots for farming.
What did the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 establish?
It created a merit-based system for federal employment to reduce patronage and corruption.
What impact did barbed wire have on farming and cattle ranching in the West?
It allowed landowners to enclose their properties, restricting open-range cattle drives and altering the cattle industry.
What was the significance of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906?
This progressive reform aimed to enhance sanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry, following the influence of Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle.'
What did the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 create?
It established a central banking system consisting of 12 regional banks to give the federal government increased control over the economy and monetary policy.
What was the purpose of the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914?
To enhance the Sherman Antitrust Act by prohibiting certain anti-competitive practices and protecting the right of workers to form unions.
When did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire occur, and what was its consequence?
The fire happened in 1911 and prompted significant labor reforms, particularly in factory safety regulations.