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The economic problem
Unlimited wants but a finite amount of resources
Scarcity is when there is a limited number of a resource. Scarce resources mean that decisions need to be made regarding what, how, why and for whom goods and services are produced.
Opportunity cost
Opportunity cost is the next best alternative to the choice you already made. Opportunity cost measures the cost of any choice in terms of the next best alternative foregone.
Example of an opportunity cost
If a landowner decides to use their property for farming, the opportunity cost is the potential income they could have earned by developing the land for real estate purposes.
Four factors of production
A Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) shows the different combinations of goods and services a given country (or economy) can produce using ALL its available resources AND using them in the most efficient possible way. (PPFs can be shown with straight lines OR curves).
What does point A show?
At point A, the country is either not using all of its resources, or it is using them all but not very efficiently, or, more likely, a bit of both
What does point B show?
Point B is unattainable without economic growth
Consumor goods
Consumer goods are used by consumers with no future use, e.g. chocolate bars, TVs, sofas
Capital goods
Goods used by businesses to make consumer goods, e.g. machinery, tools, buildings
When PPF shifts out
Demonstrates an increase in economic growth. For example the increase in quantity/quality of one of the four factors of production.
When PPF shifts in
Very occasional. Is seen as economic decline, can be caused by a natural disaster or civil war.
Positive economic growth - Short run
When an economy uses all of its resources most efficiently. (this does not shift the PPF out, but it shows that the economy is at its highest rate of efficiency they can achieve)
Positive economic growth - long term
There is an improvement in one of the four factors of production shifting the PPF outwards
Negative economic growth
When resources are used inefficiently.
The PPF will shift in if there is a decrease in the quality/quantity of one of the four factors of production.