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title vii
applies to employers with 15 or more employees- discrimination is prohibited on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender (includes pregnancy discrimination, constructive discharge, sexual harassment, online harassment)
age in discrimination act
applies to employers with 20 or more employees
intentional discrimination
plaintiff must be part of protected class, apply and qualify for job in question, be rejected by emplyer, employer seek more applicants/fill position w person not in protected class
religious discrimination
reasonable accommodation as long as not affect employers business with hardship
constructive discharge
Termination of employment brought abt by making employees working conditions so intolerable that emplyee resonably feels compelled to leave
sexual harassment exceptions
Employer taken reasonable care precent and correct behavior
Plaintiff emolyee unreasonably fail to take advantage of prevent/corrective opportunties orvided by employer to avoid harm
remedies for discrimination
awarded reinstatement, back pay, retroactive promo, damages, comp/punitive damages
Age discrimination
part of protected age, qualified for positions, dischage bc age discrim (40 and over)
disability discrimination
Plaintiff have disability, qualified, excluded from employment bc disability
Disbiloty= physical/mental impairment that limits majot life activites, record of impariment needed, regarded as having the impairment
Resonable accomodation: undue hardship, job app and premp physical exam, sustance abuse, health plan
Bona fide occupational qualification
identifiable characteristic reasonbly necessary to normal operation of business such as gender, national origin, religion, not race