OL sentences about Mo Ghrá (idir luibíní), An Spailpín Fanach, and An tEarrach Thiar
It is a love poem
Is dán grá é seo
Love is the theme of the poem
Is é grá an téama an dáin seo
Her husband is not handsome and perfect
Níl a fear dathúil is foirfe
He is not like a flower on the blackthorn
Níl sé cosúil le bláth na n-airní
He is not like a flower on any tree
Níl sé cosúil le bláth ar aon chrann
Daisies will grow out of his ears when he is dead
Fásfaidh noiníní as a chluasa nuair a bheidh sé marbh
The man’s eyes are not nice
Níl a shúile go deas
His eyes are too close together
Tá a shúile ró-ghar dá chéile
his hair is not like silk
Níl a ghruaig cosúil le síoda
his hair is like wire
Tá a ghruaig cosúil le sreang
The man is generous, nice, and kind
Tá an fear fial, deas, agus cineálta
He loves the poet
Is grá leis an file
He takes good care of the poet
Tugann sé aire mhath don fhile
he gives her apples and grapes
Tugann sé úlla agus caora finiúna di
he gives her little presents
Tugann sé bronntanais beaga di
she loves him because he is a nice, kind man
Is grá leis é mar is fear deas, cineálta é
the sad life of the spailpin is the theme of the poem
Is é saol brónach an spailpín téama an dáin
the spailpin had a tough life
Bhí saol deacair ag an spailpín.
the 1798 rebellion was taking place
Bhí Éirí Amach 1798 ar siúl
the spailpin was extremely poor
Bhí an spailpín beo bocht
he worked on farm
Bhí sé ag obair ar fheirmeacha
he went from place to place working as a spailpin
Chuaigh sé ó áit go háit ag obair mar spailpín
the spailpin walked around the country
Shiúil an spailpín timpeall na tíre
he destroyed his health. he was sick often
Loit sé a shláinte. Bhí sé tinn go minic
he walked on the wet grass early in the morning
Shiúil sé ar an bhféar fliuch go luath ar maidin
the pay was very low
Bhí an pá an-íseal
he was embarrassed that he was a spailpin
Bhí náire air gur spailpín é
he worked in a few counties as a spailpin
D’oibrigh sé i gcúpla contae
in co. tipp he worked in clonmel, thurles, cashel, and tipp town
I gCo. Thiobráid Árann d’oibrigh sé i gCluain Meeala, Dúrlas, Caiseal, agus baile Thiobráid Árann
he worked with a shovel in callain in co. kilkenny
D’oibrigh sé le spád i gCallain i gCo. Chill Chainnigh
he worked better than anybody else
D’oibrigh sé níos fearr ná gach duine eile
he harvested corn in Carraig na Siúire
Bhain sé an t-arbhar i gCarraig na Siúire
no one respected him
Ní raibh meas ag daoine air
he stood at the side of the street and he looked for work
Sheas sé ar thaobh na sráide agus lorg sé obair
he was fed up of this life
Bhí sé tinn tuirseach den saol seo
he would fight for the country
Bheadh sé ag troid don tír
he would have a pike and a stick
Bheadh píc is bata mór aige
love of a place is the theme of the poem
Is é grá áite téama an dáin
Oilean Arainn is perfect
Tá Oiléan Árainn foirfe
he mentions sowng crops, the seaweed, and fishing
Luann sé ag cur barraí, an fheamainn is iascaireacht
the island is quiet and peaceful
Ta an t-oileán ciúin is síochánta
the people are happy
Ta na daoine sona sásta
the people are happy
Tá na daoine sona sásta
he loves the people and the place
Tá grá aige do na daoine is don áit féin
the people have a simple traditional life
Tá saol simplí is traidisiúnta ag na daoine
there is a quiet atmosphere in the first verse
Tá atmaisféar ciúin sa chéad rann
it is a beautiful day
Lá breá brothallach atá ann
there is a sweet sound from the spade
Tá fuaim bhinn ón spád
he is sowing crops in springtime
Tá sé ag cur barraí san Earrach
the man puts seaweed in a basket on his back
Cuireann an fear feamainn i gciseán ar a dhroim
the seaweed is red. the beach is white
Ta dath dearg ar an bhfeamainn. Tá dath bán ar an dtrá
the sun is shining
Tá an ghrian ag taitneamh
the women are working together on the beach
Tá na mna ag obair le chéile ar an trá
the women collect seaweed from the beach
Bailíonn na mná feamainn ón dtrá
the women see their reflections in the water
Feiceann na mná a scáilí san uisce
the men go fishing
Téann na fir ag iascaireacht
the boats return homme and they have alot of fish
Filleann na báid abhaile agus tá a lán iasc acu
the strokes of the oars are heard
Tá buillí na maidí rámha le cloisteáil