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Monroe Doctrine
Declared by James Monroe in 1823 that America will not involve itself in European Affairs.
Treaty of Paris (1898)
Ended the Spanish-American War; ended with Spain ceding Cuba, Puerto Rico and Guam to the USA and selling the Phillippines
Platt Amendment (1901)
Outlined conditions for U.S withdrawal from Cuba: we still get military permissions and rights to intervene in Cuban affairs
Open Door Policy
Aim to ensure equal trading rights for all nations in China, preventing monopolization of the country
“Big Stick” policy
Negotation of peace while recongizing the possible need for force in foreign affairs under Theodore Roosevely
Direct Primary
An election where voters directly choose a political party’s candidate for office rather than elites selecting for them; example of progressive era reform selecting
17th Amendment
Direct election of U.S senators, allowing the people to vote on senators rather than state legislatures after the progressive era
18th Amendment
Assisted the Temperance and Prohibition movement, limiting or banning the usage of alcohol in America
“Bad Trusts” and “Good Trusts”
Under the Theodore Roosevelt administration, he persued “__-busting” where he disarmed bad ___ that exploited consumers with high prices and stifled competition.
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
A piece of legislation introduced during Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs. Fueled partly in outrage over Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle.
16th Amendment; Income Tax
Grants Congress the power to levy and collect income tax on citizens without apportionment among the states based on population. A direct response to the Supreme court decision in Pollock v Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co, inflicting a federal ___.
Federal Reserve Act (1914)
Created a decentralized central banking system, organizing a central banking system inthe the U.S. as a response to financial panics of 20th-century America.
Fourteen Points
Woodrew Wilson’s proposal for lasting peace after WW1, outlining principles like open dipolmacy, free trade, self-determination and the establishment of the LON
Treaty of Versailles (1919)
A peace treaty that officially ended WWI that inflicted strict penalties on Germany, which included territorial losses, disarmament, and reperation payments to the allied powers.
Liberty Bonds
War bonds issued by the U.S government to finance the American War effort, allowing citizens to personally finance the war the Allie’s cause
Selective Service Act
Expanded the military through conscription and drafting by requiring men from the ages 21-30 to register for potential military service during WW1
Espionage Act (1917)
Prohibited interference with military operations and support for U.S enemies during wartime; one half of the espoinage and sedition acts
Sedition Act (1918)
Illegal to criticize the goverment during the war for their war efforts lol
Schenck vs United States
Established “Clear and present danger,” ruling that speech inciting imminent lawless action during wartime was not good, aka breaking the Espionage Act (he argued that he broke the 1st Amendment)
Quota laws
Established immigrant limitations on specific countries and demographics
Volstead Act (1919)
Enforced the 18th Amendments and prohibited the production, sale, transportation or possession of alcoholic beverages with 0.5% or higher alcohol amounts
21st Amendment
took back the 18th Amendment lol
Scopes Trial
Prosecution of John T. Scopes for teaching evolution which had been made illegal in the Butler act
Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)
US Law that significantly raised import duties on various goods and by hindering international trade it would contribute to the GD
New Deal
FDR places plans to get America out of GD because Hoover sucked and kind of succeeds?
Government agency that insures bank deposits and restores public confidence in the banking system. Part of new deal.
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
A New Deal agency that was created to help people buy homes after the Great Depression. lowkey racists though
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
A new deal program that employed millions of unemployed Americans during the GD.
Wagner Act
Secured worker’s rights to organize, collectively bargain and strike and prevented employers from interfering with these rights. PART OF NEW DEAL
Social Security Act
Established a system of old-age benefits, unemployment insurance and welfare programs for the needy.
The act of reducing or elimnating weapons and military forces. eliminating
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
international treaty aimed at renouncing war as aninstrument of national policy and resolving disputes peacefully
Dawes Plan
we give germany money so they can pay for their debts to the allies so they can give us our own money back so we can all get out of debt 🙂
and it failed
Good Neighbor Policy
Aim to improve U.S relations with Latin American nations by emphasizing cooperation and trade over military intervention
Four Freedoms
FDR outlined human rights: speech, worship, freedom from want and fear
Atlantic Charter
FDR and Winston Churchill outline shared goals and principles for the post-war world that emphasize self-determination, economic cooperation and disarmament
Korematsu v. U.S.
“It’s okay to send y’all to internment camps cause we are in war with Japan so it’s perfectly ethical and morally correct cause we are scared, national security”
Queen Liliuokalani
Queen of hawaii!
Grover Cleveland
22nd and 24th U.S president first democratic nominee in 24 years for demosss and he tried to eliminate corruption within government and supported limited government intervention
Rough Riders
group of American volunteers who gained fame during the Spanish-American War recruited by Theodore Roosevelt after the Battle of San Juan Hill
Woodrew Wilson
28th American president, led USA into WWI and advocated for international peace and the creation of the LON; 14 points !! ! !
Williams Jennings Bryan
Populist leader and politician who ran for president three times
Pancho Villa
Mexican revolutionary and guerilla leader who played a role in the Mexican Revolution and his attach on New Mexico
John J. Pershing
American army general who is known for commanding the AEF in WW1
Expeditionary Force
US military units that fought WW1 in Europe and led by John J. Pershing
Eugene V. Debs
American socialist and anti-war activist, convicted of hate? speech? due to the espoinage act ??
League of Women Voters
lead the fight for woman’s rights to vote…19th amendment
Member of Russia’s communist party during their revolution
Henry Cabot Lodge
Against Woodrew Wilson who is known for his opposition to the Treaty of Versallies and the League of Nations
Henry Ford
Assembly Line? Founded Ford?
Sacco and Vanzetti
two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, who were convicted of murder and robbery in 1921 and executed in 1927
George Gershwin
Famous American composer and pianist who was popular for jazz and classical arrangements
Eugene O’ Neill
America's First Major Playwright.
Gertrude Stein
Gertrude Stein was an American writer and early important collector of avant-garde art who was based in Paris
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Was a popular American novelist, essayist, and short story writer. Writer of the Great Gasby
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud founded psychoanalysis and published many influential works, such as "The Interpretation of Dreams
Langston Hughes
A poet, novelist, fiction writer, and playwright, Langston Hughes is known for his insightful, colorful portrayals of black life
Marcus Garvey
A1 Capone
Herbert Hoover
John Keynes
Father Coughlin
Huey Long
Nazi Party
Charles Lindbergh
Benito Mussolini
Rosie the Riverter
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight Eisenhower