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полиглот, многоязычный, полиглот (человек, говорящий на нескольких языках)

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  • I made a resolution to myself not to eat chocolate this year.

  • The resolution to the conflict was reached after many negotiations.

решение, твердое намерение, обещание себе

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  • He had a hiccup during the presentation, which made everyone laugh.

  • The project faced a hiccup when the funding was delayed.

  • After a brief hiccup in production, the factory is back on schedule.

заминка, маленькая проблема, проблемка; икота

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blend in (with)

  • She wore neutral colors to blend in with the crowd at the festival.

  • The new building was designed to blend in with the historic architecture of the area.

  • He tried to blend in at the party by mimicking the other guests' behavior.

сливаться, вписываться, смешиваться

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  • At the party, guests were encouraged to mingle and get to know each other.

  • The flavors of the dish began to mingle as it cooked.

  • It's important to mingle with colleagues during networking events.

общаться, смешиваться, взаимодействовать

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  • The diplomat was a skilled interlocutor, able to navigate complex discussions.

  • Each interlocutor brought a unique perspective to the debate.

  • The interlocutor in the negotiation was well-prepared and articulate.

собеседник, участник, диалогист (человек принимающий участие в разговоре, диалоге)

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I thought she was going to be all high and mighty after her important jobs, but in fact she's quite down to earth.

He acts all high-and-mighty since he got his promotion, as though it weren't only two weeks ago that he was doing the same job we were.

высокомерный, важный, знатный

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  • She tried to eavesdrop on the conversation next door.

  • It’s rude to eavesdrop when someone is speaking privately.

  • He accidentally eavesdropped on a confidential discussion at work.

подслушивать, подглядывать, вмешиваться

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родительство, отцовство/материнство, семейные обязательства

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get under one's skin

  • His constant criticism really gets under my skin.

  • The noise from the construction site is starting to get under my skin.

  • Her remarks about my work always seem to get under my skin

доставать, беспокоить, выводить из себя

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  • The external factors influenced the company’s decision-making process.

  • She applied an external layer of paint to protect the wood.

  • The external environment plays a significant role in shaping our experiences.

внешний, экстерн, внешние факторы

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social cost

  • The social cost of pollution includes health issues and environmental degradation.

  • Policymakers must consider the social cost when implementing new regulations.

  • The social cost of the project was higher than initially estimated.

социальные затраты, социальная цена, общественные издержки

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  • Her insights into human behavior were invaluable to the research.

  • The book offers profound insights into the nature of happiness.

  • He gained valuable insight from his mentor during the internship.

проницательность, понимание, представление
The ability to understand what something is really like, or an example of this

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  • The clash between the two cultures led to misunderstandings.

  • There was a clash of opinions during the debate.

  • The clash of colors in the painting was striking and memorable.

столкновение, конфликт, спор

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  • She is a soon-to-be graduate, excited about her future.

  • The soon-to-be parents are preparing for their baby’s arrival.

  • He is a soon-to-be homeowner, eagerly awaiting the closing date.

будущий, скоро, предстоящий

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  • Education is compulsory for children in many countries.

  • The training program is compulsory for all new employees.

  • Wearing seatbelts is compulsory in most states for safety reasons.

обязательный, принудительный, непременный

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