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Industrial Revolution Years
1750 -1850
Great Exhibition of 1851 Year
Revolutions of 1848 Year
Imperialism Years
1850 - 1914
Second Industrial Revolution Years
1850 - 1914
National awareness of being part of a community with common traits. 2) Those common traits become focus of a person's primary political party. 3) Examples: Rev. of 1848 and Italian/German Unification.
Italian Unification
Italy was ruled by Spain & Austria. 2) Count Cavour worked with Napoleon III to overthrow Austrian Empire control over Northern Italy. 3) Giuseppe Garibaldi gathered volunteers to capture Southern Italy. 4) Officially united in 1861 under King Emmanuel II of Piedmont.
German Unification
Prussia & Austria strongest out of 40 German states. 2) Established Zollverein to create economic union between states. 3) Otto Von Bismarck used Realpolitik and Negative Integration to unite Germany. 4) Officially united in 1871 under King William I of Prussia.
Otto Von Bismarck
Supported King William I of Prussia in uniting Germany. 2) Utilized warfare to maintain Prussian power. 3) Used newspapers and forged a letter to start a war. 4) Used negative integration to unite Germany by targeting socialists and Catholics.
Nationalistic movement to unite Slavic people. 2) Destroyed Austrian & Ottoman Empire and replaced with Balkan League of 1912. 3) Russia supported them against Austria leading to crisis that brought on WWI.
"Politics of reality." 2) Politics based on practical concerns rather than theory or ethics. 3) Power over ideals. 4) Machiavellian. 5) Utilized by Otto Von Bismarck to unite Germany.
Dreyfus Affair
Alfred Dreyfus was a Jewish French army officer. 2) Falsely accused of giving military secrets to Germany likely due to Jewish Heritage. 3) Tried, imprisoned, and rehabilitated. 4) Inspired Theodor Herzl.
International movement calling for establishment of a Jewish State. 2) Founded by Theodor Herzl, a journalist.
Crimean War
From 1853 to 1856. 2) Fought by Russia against Turkey, Britain, and France. 3) Russia occupied part of Ottoman Empire. 3) Britain and France worried Russia would expand to Black Sea and take over trade routes. 4) Russia was defeated & forced to sign Treaty of Paris in 1856
Treaty of Paris
Forbade Russia to base warships in the Black Sea. 2) Land taken from Ottoman Empire became mostly independent.
Congress of Berlin
Hosted by Otto Von Bismarck in 1878. 2) Diplomatic meeting to decide who would control southeastern Europe. 3) Limited Russian naval expansion into the area. 4) Montenegro, Serbia, and Romania became independent. 5) Allowed Austria-Hungary to occupy Bosnia & Herzegovina. 6) Reduced size of Bulgaria by 2/3. 7) British gained temporary control over Cyprus. 8) Pan-Slavists were upset by decisions.
A policy of extending a country's power and influence over less powerful states. 2) Motivated by competition for raw materials and markets.
Charles Darwin
Scientist and author of "Origin of Species". 2) Introduced theory of natural selection and "survival of the fittest". 3) Believed that organisms that can adapt to environment pass on variations that help them survive, and less adaptable organisms become extinct.
Social Darwinism
Applied Darwin's theories of evolution to society. 2) Belief that progress came from struggle for survival. 3) Justified inequality and imperialism in less powerful countries. 4) Associated with "White Man's Burden" to civilize and enlighten those who were "ignorant".
"The White Man's Burden"
A poem by Rudyard Kipling that advocated for American Imperialism. 2) Anti-imperialists used the racialized phrase as a euphemism. 3) Anti-imperialists included Mark Twain and Andrew Carnage.
King Leopold II
King of Belgium (1865-1909). 2) Industrialized Belgium and its colonial expansion. 3) Head of the Congo Free State. 4) Exploited people of the Congo, forcing them to provide ivory/rubber or cut their hands off. 5) Mistreatment turned into international scandal, forcing him to hand over the Congo to parliament.
Ideology argued by Auguste Comte. 2) Belief that ONLY scientific knowledge is valid. 3) Relies on scientific method to reveal how society operates.
Berlin Conference
Meeting held in 1884-1885 by Otto Von Bismarck. 2) Meant to settle territorial disputes over Africa diplomatically. 3) Delegates ONLY included Europeans who mapped African territory and agreed to have free trade among colonies. 4) Ethiopia and Liberia were only ones to never be colonized.
India's Sepoy Mutiny
Uprising in India from 1857-1859 against British East India Company rule. 2) Indian soldiers refused to do things going against Islam and Hinduism. 3) Seized Delhi and restored the Mogul Emperor to the throne. 4) Spread of mutiny led to massacre of British garrison. 5) British recaptured Delhi and reestablished themself as ruler of India.
China's Boxer Rebellion
Anti-western movement in China during British imperialism. 2) "Boxers" attacked missionaries, Chinese Christians, and people with foreign goods. 3) Blamed poverty/unemployment on western imports. 4) Supported by empress dowager of China Cixi. 5) Ended with international forces interfering a siege of the Legation Quarter.
19th century school of painting. 2) Emphasized everyday life of ordinary people. 3) Used photographic accuracy.
Artistic/Literary style that emerged before 1914. 2) Artists and writers rebelled against tradition. 3) Led to impressionism, post-impressionism, and cubism. 4) Writers explored new forms of writing.