Multiple layers of disadvantage and advantage intersect to shape our experiences of race and power dynamics.
Environmental sociology
The study of human interactions with their environments.
Tragedy of the Commons
The exploitation of shared resources due to lack of concern for sustainability.
Climate change
Long-term shifts in climate caused by human activities.
Environmental racism
The disproportionate exposure of minority communities to environmental hazards.
Not In My Backyard - opposition to environmental practices that directly impact individuals.
A social institution for teaching academic knowledge, skills, and cultural norms.
Formal vs Informal
Formal involves academic learning, while informal focuses on cultural values and norms.
Cultural capital
Cultural knowledge that aids in navigating a society.
Social reproduction
The perpetuation of social inequalities across generations.
Assigning deviant labels to students lacking dominant cultural capital.
Hierarchy of environmentalism
Social ranking based on environmental concern levels.
Sorting students into different achievement levels, reinforcing inequalities.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Students internalizing labels leading to expected outcomes.
Relative vs. extreme poverty
Distinctions in poverty levels based on global perspectives.
World systems theory
Global hierarchy where some nations dominate and exploit others.
Global stratification
Unequal distribution of resources among nations.
Global inequality
Concentration of resources within specific nations and groups.
Controlling images
Stereotypical perceptions of certain groups.
Matrix of domination
Interlocking systems of oppression based on race, class, and gender.