River processes

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Name four transportation processes in rivers.

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Name four transportation processes in rivers.

  • Solution

  • Suspension

  • Saltation

  • Traction

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Transportation by solution

Soluble minerals such as calcium carbonate (limestone) are dissolved from soil or rock and carried along within the river

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Transportation by suspension

Small particles like clay and silt are suspended in the river flow and carried long distances.

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Transportation by saltation

Smaller pebbles and gravels are bounced along the river bed. This requires a more energetic river with higher velocity.

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Transportation by traction

Larger pebbles and rocks are rolled along the river bed. This requires a river with a lot of energy.

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Name four erosional processes in rivers.

  • Hydraulic action

  • Abrasion

  • Attrition

  • Solution

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Erosion by hydraulic action

Water crashes into gaps in the soil/rock, compressing the air and forcing particles apart. Eventually causes cracks and widens them.

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Erosion by abrasion

Particles carried within the river such as rocks and pebbles grind along the bank and bed of the river with a sandpapering effect.

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Erosion by attrition

Rocks carried within the river smash into one another, wearing down into smaller and more rounded particles.

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Erosion by solution

Soluble minerals in rock and soil are dissolved in the river water.

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  • A river which no longer has enough energy to carry the particles within it must deposit its load.

  • Larger sediment is deposited first, as they require more energy to transport, whereas smaller particles can be carried further.

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