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rented property
AKA non-freehold
Fair Housing Act - CANNOT DO
refuse to sell on basis of race, color, gender, national origin etc and/or publish ads with that
Fair Housing Act - CAN do
discriminate for a room within a larger unit (privacy)
discriminate by occupation
basis of ongoing contractual relationship with conditions that conveys property rights
full control
right to exclude (includes owner)
defined area of land
Temporary permission that is revocable at any time. Rights and obligations are in contract, with a limited purpose and right of use.
no right to exclude that includes owner
no covenant of quiet use and enjoyment or warranty of habitability
Lease transference
Unless provision in lease, tenants can freely transfer interest without prior landlord approval via
Privity of Contract
only parties to the contract can sue to enforce it
can be created by lease terms
Privity of Estate
Mutual or successive relation to the same right in property when the parties’ estates = one estate
Covers less than the full time in the lease
privity: none between lessor and sublessee
stays between landlord and OG tenant
reasonableness condition for LL to deny (Julian v. Christopher)
Covers less than the full time in the lease
privity of estate: between LL and assignee only
assignee liable only while continuing to have possession
privity of contract: none between LL and assignee unless assignee assumed all personal promises in OG lease
still exists between LL and OG tenants
landlord rights
select tenants
holdover tenants - evict (NO self help) or new lease
tenant leaves early
implicit offer of surrender (>1 year, in writing)
ignore and make pay (minority approach)
mitigate damages by re-letting (majority)
landlord duties
provide possession
covenant of quiet use and enjoyment
warranty/covenant of habitability
LL duty to provide possession
US: legal possession only
Europe and growing US majority: actual possession
Covenant of Quiet Use and Enjoyment
residential and commercial
test - substantial interference due to LL’s actions or failures
standard - average person
remedies, after telling LL and LL failing to fix
constructive eviction, leave w/in reasonable time
Blackett v. Olanoff
covenant of habitability
ONLY residential
fit for dwelling - most basic living requirements
tenant remedies
leave (constructive eviction)
repair and deduct
sue for rent
Hilder v. Peter
Law of Fixtures
Removing a fixture is voluntary waste, even if tenant installed it. UNLESS removal creates no substantial harm to premises
Tenant responsibility
keep property in good repair, no waste.
If lease silent, tenant responsible for routine repairs and not wear and tear.
retaliatory eviction
If tenant lawfully reports landlord, LL can’t raise rent, end lease, evict, or harass.
Tenancy of Years
end date known to all at start
certain time, in years
notice not needed to end
subject to sublease or assignee unless express agreement otherwise
Periodic Tenancy
successive fixed periods until someone opts out
termination - end of last full period, need notice (usually 1 period)
subject to sublet/assignee unless express agreement otherwise
Tenancy at will
indefinite length, by mutual agreement
ends after notice period (usually 30 days)
subject to sublease or agreement unless express agreement otherwise
Tenancy at sufferance
indefinite - holdover tenant
old leasehold expired
lessee keeps possession without entering new leasehold
ends with eviction or new lease
notice via state eviction laws
not subject to sublease/assignment
Julian v. Christopher
If lease requires LL consent to sublease, can’t unreasonably withold unless lease says LL has absolute discretion to do so.
people leased tavern and apartment
LL said just wanted to make sure subletter wouldn’t destroy
then said sure for extra $150
A.H. Manufacturing Co v. Walz
LL can make holdover tenant continuing tenant or trespasser.
LL and jewelry co couldn’t agree on renewal
store stayed extra month, tried to pay and LL wouldn’t accept so left
a year later, LL wanted to recover other 11 months rent under renewal lease (liable because because holdover tenant)
Titelbaum v. Direct Realty
LL doesn’t have to oust trespasser for new tenant to get required possession.
T leased store but prior tenants wouldn’t leave for months.
Wanted damages
Blackett v. Olanoff
When LL fails to take action, can be responsible for violating tenant’s quiet enjoyment.
LL sued tenants for nonpayment of rent, who claimed constructive eviction
LL leased nearby super loud cocktail bail
tenants asked for quiet and nothing changed
Berg v Wiley
No self help. When lessor didn’t seek judicial assistance, changing locks unlawful way to re-enter.
W leased to B to operate restaurant and said to make no changes and run lawfully
Reserved right to re-enter
B remodeled and violated health code
serious of disputes, changed locks, wrongful eviction
GOES AGAINST common law rule allowing lessor to re-take via self help
Hilder v Peter
All rentals have implied warrant/covenant of habitability that can’t be waived. Tenant can leave, request reimbursement, sue for rent.
Broken glass, ceiling fell on infant
LL promised to fix but never did
Sommer v. Kridel
LL has duty to make reasonable effort to mitigate damage by trying to re-let.
Guy signed 2 -year lease, paid security deposit and a month of rent but wrote letter saying he couldn’t move in because engagement broken off
LL didn’t rent to other people who tried to rent, sued tenant instead for 2 years rent
Soules v. US Housing and Urban Development Dept
Under Fair Housing Act, not discrimination to refuse to rent to a protected class if there’s a valid reason.
single woman with 12 year old wanted to rent apt but LL thought kid would be noisy
LL rented to other woman with kid under 18
non-discriminatory reason (noise, combative)
Periodic Tenancy by Implication
lease omits duration but provides for rent payment at set intervals
oral agreement in term of years, so implied by way rent is tendered
LL decides to holdover tenant, so implied by way rent is tendered