Lecture 11-15?
How does visual info travel from the eye to brain?
Goes through retina → optic nerve, chiasm, tract → thalamus → primary visual cortex
What are feature detectors?
System responding to presence of specific pattern in stimulus
Ex. Specific shape, colour, direction of motion
What is the ventral stream, pathway, and what lobes does it consist of?
Vision for perception, the what pathway and temporal lobes
What does the ventral stream do?
Connect sensation to memory
How do visual illusions occur?
Perceptual system method for using shortcuts to process things more efficiently is tricked when inaccuracies violate regularities
What is size constnacy?
When something far from retinal casts same size retinal image as something close
What is the terror subterra illusion?
Two monsters, further one looks bigger even though same size
What theory gives rise to afterimages and how do afterimages work?
Colour opponent theory, where cells with specialized stimuli after long exposure become fatigued
What is the troxler fading theory?
We stop processing static things and eventually stop perceiving them at all as it is more efficient to handle new info worth processing
What are some more visual illusion?
Motion induced blindness
Apparent motion
Lilac chaser; combo after images and apparent motion
Flashing light (Magic Light)
Shadow cues
How do ventral aspects determine what a face is based on invariant and changeable aspects?
Invariant; 2 eyes, nose, mouth
Changeable; expressions
Why does the hollow mask illusion work?
Our experience with face perception and incomprehension of things like an inverted nose causes it to be seen
What is prosopagnosia?
Inability to recognize faces
What is pareidolia?
Seeing faces where they don’t exist
What is the dorsal steam, pathway, and lobe?
Vision for action, how pathway, parietal lobes
Who is patient DF?
Person who had bilateral damage in ventral visual stream, visual form agnosia
What is the ebbinghaus illusion?
Circle moving in a circle illusion
WHat are some action intentions affecting vision?
Can detect change in large objects quicker with power grip
Can detect change to small object quicker with precision grip
What is the perihand (space)?
Space near or around hands, improves visual processing when have lesions/brain damage if move into perihand space
What is classical cognitive science?
Computational theory of mind - view that mind is like a computer
What is a turing machine?
Abstract computational machines which manipulated symbols according to rules and internal states
What is the stroop effect?
Delay in reaction time between congruent and incongruent stimuli
What is semantic interference?
Longer reaction if colour of word mismatches meaning of word
What is semantic facilitation?
Faster reaction times if colour of words matches meaning of word
What is the McGurk effect?
Perceived, audio, visual saying all hear/see different things
How can tactile info interferes with speech perception?
English has some tiny bursts of aspirations which may cause people to mishear
What was the study of visuo-tactile integration in speech?
Associations are learnt very early in language acquisition where puffs of air indicates aspiration
Exists in infants too
What is the phonemic restoration effect?
Missing speech sounds are restored by brain and appear to be heard
Brain interprets ambiguous auditory signal as an unambiguous signal
Doesnt occur whne phonemes are just missing
How does the auditory brain activate without auditory input?
Brain areas associated with auditory processing activate even when peple view silent visual speech
What is voice onset time?
Movemeent of physical mouth lips to vocal chords
What is perceptual narrowing?
Ability to perceieve something despite being rarely exposed to it (infants and human langauges they don’t know)
What was the Warren Perceptual Restoration missing speech sounds experiemnt?
Undergrads given stimulus of a tape recording of a sentence with a cough replacing a phoneme → asked to identify cough location but none succeeded
What was Daivd Lewkowics and Amy Hansen Tift study of infant eye gaze?
Had monolingual infants look at someone utter english monologue and tracked where infant looked at
Results for monological infants for study on infant eye gaze?
4 months; loooked longer at eye
8 months; looked longer at mouth
12 months; looked at equal time
What was Ferran Pons and Laura bosch study on infant eye gaze?
Same as Lewkowics and Tift’s,except bilingual
Results from Pons and Bosch study?
4,8,12 months similar results for dominant language
For secondary langauge
4 months; equa
8 months; longer mouth
12 months; longer mouth
What is the distinction between seeing objects vs seeing facts?
Seeing objects; perceiving physical entities
Seeing facts; knowing what is seen means something