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What does CAD stand for?
Computer Aided Design
What is CAD?
the use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, and analysis of a design
What are the advantages of CAD?
__F__ixes errors quickly
__I__mproved versions of designs
__S__timulate how a product will look and preform
__C__ollaborative design - designers can collectively work on projects globally
__G__enerative design - use maths to create better designs
What are the disadvantages of CAD?
__L__oss of skilled workforce
__H__igh set up costs - equipment software, staff training, machine maintenance
__C__yber attacks - viruses can cause problems
What are examples of CAD programmes?
2D design
Autodesk fusion 360
What does CAM stand for?
Computer Aided Manufacture
What is CAM?
an automated way of manufacturing products, using computer-generated code to control the machinery
What are the advantages of CAM?
__R__epeated manufacture at high outcomes
__C__ontinuous working 24/7
__R__apid prototyping
__S__peeds up manufacturing process
__M__inimal supervision
__H__igh degrees of accuracy
What are the disadvantages of CAM?
Outdated - technology can be outdated as it moves forward
Loss of employment
Technology can fail - cause accidents
High cost - equipment, training and maintenance
What are some examples of CAM machinery?
CNC embroidery
Vinyl cutter
Laser cutter
3D printer