Controlled Flow of Electrons: Fundamental to electronic circuits.
Before transistors (1948), vacuum tubes (diodes, triodes, etc.) were used.
Vacuum tubes are bulky, high power-consuming, and less reliable.
Transition to Semiconductors:
1930s: Realization that solid-state semiconductors can control charge flow.
Semiconductors are smaller, low power, and more reliable than vacuum tubes.
Historical Context:
Early use of galena as a radio wave detector.
Introduction to semiconductor physics and devices like junction diodes and bipolar junction transistors.
Conductivity Classification:
Metals: Low resistivity (10⁻² to 10⁻⁸ Ωm).
Semiconductors: Intermediate resistivity (10⁻⁵ to 10⁶ Ωm).
Insulators: High resistivity (10¹¹ to 10¹⁹ Ωm).
Types of Semiconductors:
Elemental: Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge).
Compound: Inorganic (e.g., GaAs, CdS) and Organic (e.g., polythiophene).
Energy Bands:
Electrons in solids form energy bands (valence and conduction bands).
Band gaps determine electrical properties (insulators, semiconductors, metals).
Crystal Structure: Si and Ge have diamond-like structures with covalent bonds.
Thermal Excitation: At higher temperatures, electrons can break free, creating holes.
Carrier Concentration: In intrinsic semiconductors, the number of free electrons equals the number of holes (nₑ = nₕ = nᵢ).
Doping: Adding impurities to enhance conductivity.
n-type: Doped with pentavalent elements (e.g., As, P) which donate extra electrons.
p-type: Doped with trivalent elements (e.g., B, Al) which create holes.
Carrier Concentration:
n-type: nₑ >> nₕ.
p-type: nₕ >> nₑ.
Charge Neutrality: Overall charge neutrality is maintained in doped semiconductors.
Formation: Created by joining p-type and n-type semiconductors.
Charge Carrier Movement:
Diffusion: Holes move from p to n, electrons from n to p.
Drift: Electric field created by charge separation opposes further diffusion.
Equilibrium: No net current flows; a potential barrier forms.
Structure: A p-n junction with metallic contacts.
Forward Bias:
p-side connected to positive terminal, reducing barrier potential.
Current increases as more carriers cross the junction.
Reverse Bias:
n-side connected to positive terminal, increasing barrier potential.
Current is minimal, primarily due to minority carriers.
Half-Wave Rectifier: Allows current flow during positive half-cycles of AC.
Full-Wave Rectifier: Utilizes both half-cycles for current flow.
Filtering: Capacitors are used to smooth the output voltage, providing a steady DC output.
Semiconductors are essential for modern electronic devices.
Conductivity varies among metals, semiconductors, and insulators.
Doping alters the conductivity of semiconductors, creating n-type and p-type materials.
p-n junctions are crucial for semiconductor device functionality, allowing controlled current flow.
Diodes rectify AC to DC, with filtering techniques enhancing output stability.
Energy bands in semiconductors are delocalized.
Defects and stoichiometric ratios in compound semiconductors affect properties.
Identify true statements regarding n-type silicon.
Analyze statements for p-type semiconductors.
Compare energy gaps of carbon, silicon, and germanium.
Explain hole diffusion in unbiased p-n junctions.
Discuss effects of forward bias on p-n junctions.
Determine output frequencies for half-wave and full-wave rect