DPT 6140 Biomechanics Quiz 4 Kinetics Pt. 3

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What requires at least two linear forces each acting at a distance from the pivot point or axis?

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1) Muscle force/Effort (EF in drawings)

2) Moment arm for the muscle force/Effort (EA)

3) Resistance in the form of gravity/external force/load pulling on segment/system (RF)

4) Moment arm for the resistance (RA)

What are the 4 variables of simple levers?

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First Class Lever

What type of lever is this?

- Two sides, at some distance from the axis

- The forces will attempt to cause rotation in opposite directions

- The forces are applied on opposite sides of the fulcrum or axis

<p>What type of lever is this? </p><p></p><p>- Two sides, at some distance from the axis </p><p>- The forces will attempt to cause rotation in <strong>opposite</strong> directions</p><p>- The forces are applied on <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline">opposite</span></strong><span style="text-decoration:underline"> sides</span> of the fulcrum or axis</p>
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Second class lever

What type of lever?

- The (external) resistance force/load is in between (muscle) effort force and axis

- Both forces act at a distance from the same side of the axis

- Strength lever

<p>What type of lever? </p><p></p><p>- The (external) resistance force/load is in between (muscle) effort force and axis</p><p>- Both forces act at a distance from the <strong>same side</strong> of the axis</p><p>- Strength lever</p>
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Third class lever

What type of lever?

- The (muscle) effort force is between the (external) resistance force/load and axis

- Fast (speed) lever

<p>What type of lever? <br><br>- The (muscle) effort force is between the (external) resistance force/load and axis<br><br>- Fast (speed) lever</p>
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First class lever

What type of lever?

<p>What type of lever?</p>
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Second class lever

What type of lever?

<p>What type of lever?</p>
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third class lever

What type of lever?

<p>What type of lever?</p>
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first class lever

What type of lever?

<p>What type of lever?</p>
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second class lever

What type of lever?

<p>What type of lever?</p>
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third class lever

What type of lever?

<p>What type of lever?</p>
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Mechanical Advantage (MAd)

_______________ = Effort Arm (EA) /
Resistance Arm (RA)

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If MAd > 1.0, the internal (muscle) force has the _______________. A small amount of force can overcome a larger amount of resistance

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If MAd < 1.0, a _____________ amount of internal force is needed to overcome a smaller resistance - or - a small amount of external resistance can overcome a larger amount of internal force

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Mechanical disadvantage
- joints are at a disadvantage

- The further the therapist's hand is pushing from the axis the less of an advantage the patient has

Are your patient's Quadriceps and Deltoids at a mechanical advantage or disadvantage during knee extension/shoulder abduction manual muscle test?

<p>Are your patient's Quadriceps and Deltoids at a mechanical advantage or disadvantage during knee extension/shoulder abduction manual muscle test?</p>
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Force couple

What are forces acting together to move an object around a pivot point?

<p>What are forces acting together to move an object around a pivot point?</p>
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third class lever

- HF = Hamstrings Force (EFFORT IS IN THE MIDDLE SO 3rd class)
1st - F (force in middle)
2nd - R (resistance in middle)
3rd - E (Effort in middle)

- G1 is gravity pulling on the straight leg
- W1 is an ankle weight added to the leg

What class lever?

<p>What class lever?</p>
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Most joints are _______ class levers

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does not

does not

For 3 class levers:

- _____________ has advantage

- Segment/system weight DOES or DOES NOT change (RF)

- Moment arm for muscle at a given joint angle DOES or DOES NOT change

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If want to have muscle (EF) work harder (create more force):
o↑ RA

If want to have muscle (EF) work less (decrease force):
o↓ RA

Only 2 variables left are EF (muscle force) and RA (moment arm for resistance RF)

If want to have muscle (EF) work harder (create more force):

↑ or ↓ RA

If want to have muscle (EF) work less (decrease force):

↑ or ↓ RA

<p>Only 2 variables left are EF (muscle force) and RA (moment arm for resistance RF)</p><p></p><p><strong>If want to have muscle (EF) work harder (create more force):</strong></p><p>↑ or ↓ RA</p><p></p><p><strong>If want to have muscle (EF) work less (decrease force):</strong></p><p></p><p>↑ or ↓ RA</p>
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Moment arm is longer in supine, muscles wont have to work as hard in standing compare to in supine.

Which would be easier?

<p>Which would be easier?</p>
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static equilibrium

What is activity but no visible movement?

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For the knee in this position:

1) ________ should produce flexor moment

2) _______ should produce an extensor moment

<p>For the knee in this position: <br><br>1) ________ should produce flexor moment<br><br>2) _______ should produce an extensor moment</p>
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If system is in static equilibrium:

Flexor moment = __________ moment

(Force x Distance) = (Force x distance)

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QLf = 352


GWbLf = 88 N (about 20 lbs)

MAGWbLf = 20 cm

MAQLf = 5 cm

QLf = ???

<p><strong>Assuming</strong>:</p><p>GWbLf = 88 N (about 20 lbs)</p><p>MAGWbLf = 20 cm</p><p>MAQLf = 5 cm</p><p>QLf = ???</p>
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What is the property of object that resists initiation or change of motion?

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greater, greater

Inertia is proportionate to the mass of an object --> greater the mass, the _________ the inertia and the __________ force needed to overcome the inertia

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Radius of gyration (r)

The distance between the center of mass and the axis of rotation?

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Newton's 1st law
- Applies for both linear and angular velocity

What law of Inertia?

- Bodies at rest tend to stay at rest; bodies in motion tend to stay in motion unless either is acted upon by an external force (unbalanced force)

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2nd law

- Increasing time to lessen the effect of stopping a force

- Using momentum to decrease the force required to accomplish the motion

What law of inertia?

- a force applied to an object at rest causes it to accelerate in the direction of the force.

- The acceleration for a body of constant mass is proportional of the resultant forces causing it and the change takes place in the direction in which the force acts.

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The ____________ is inversely proportional to the mass of the body

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Looking at relationships of F, m, and acceleration, both in linear and angular applications --> With everything else equal, part with _________ mass will move when acted upon

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Linear Moment/Force

_________ Moment/Force = M x A

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Angular Moment/Force

_________ Moment/Force = I x a

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third law: Action-reaction

What law of inertia?

- To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

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What is the combination of force and time that is what is required to change the momentum of a body?

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If there is movement and displacement that occurs then mechanical __________ has been done.

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No ___________ work is done if there is no movement

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What is work done over time?

_________ developed through angular motion tends to be related to muscle performance

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Positive Power

What is the rate of work done by muscles during concentric contractions?

- Internal muscle forces over external force
- Considered as generation or acceleration

<p>What is the rate of work done by muscles during concentric contractions? <br><br>When...<br>- Internal muscle forces over external force<br>- Considered as generation or acceleration</p>
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Negative Power

What is the rate of work accomplished by muscles undergoing eccentric contractions?

- External load over internal muscle force
- Considered an absorption or deceleration

<p>What is the rate of work accomplished by muscles undergoing eccentric contractions? <br><br>When... <br>- External load over internal muscle force<br>- Considered an absorption or deceleration</p>
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Application of Newton's 3rd law of motion

Which of Newton's laws is at work?

<p>Which of Newton's laws is at work?</p>
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What is defined as ratio of force and area on which the force is applied?

•Units: N/m2

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