Internet Protocol Addressing System
Each device on a network needs to be uniquely identified so that data can be sent to the correct destination.
Data Packet
A segment of data that needs to be sent, often referred to as the payload.
Header → Sender and Recipient IP protoco. Packet number x of y.
Trailer → End of the packet flag, checksum.
Buffer Overflow
Occurs when a program accidentally writes data to a location too small to hande it.
Packet Filtering
Packets of data are inspected by the firewall to check which port they are attempting to access.
When a search engine keeps a record of the resources it locates.
The search engine index contains entries for trillions of web pages, the size of googles index is estimated at over 100 petabytes.
Domain Name System
Dedicated computers with an index of domain names and their corresponding IP address.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Used to specify means of accessing a resource accross a network and its location.
HTTPS:/ = Protocol = Domain
/glossaries = resource/path
Search Engine
Systems that locate resources on the WWW, search engines make it easier to find the relevant resources in an efficient way.
Web Crawlers
Internet bots that continuously crawl the web to discover and record publically available web pages.
Information Stored by Web Crawlers
> Resource URL
> Contents of the resource
> Last time updated
> Quality of the resource
and more…
Encoding a plain text message so that it cannot be deciphered unless you have a numerical key to decrypt it.
Dedicated physical connectionsthat connect several large networks at various points across the globe. Usually controlled by the internet service provider (ISP)
The internet is a network of interconnected networks.
Local Area Network (LAN)
Two or more devices connected in a small geographical area.
Wide Area Network (WAN)
A large computer network in a wide geographical area.
Wireless Access Point (WAP)
A wireless access point for a network, it requires a connection to a router.
The ‘bridge’ between LAN and WAN
Packet Size
Deliberately kept small (500 - 1500 Bytes), ensures that individual packets dont take excessive time to transfer.
Software and hardware that controls access to and from a network.
Proxy Servers
Makes a request on behalf of your own computer, hiding the true request IP addresses from the recipient.
Can be used for Anonymous Surfing, Filtering Content, and Providing a cache.
SQL Injection
A malicious user can enter SQL commands via an online database form to change the processing of your device.
Input Steralisation
Special characters are turned into text characters to ensure any added code becomes invalid.
Annoys the user or damages their data.
Self-replicating, embeds itself in the programs or files. Requires a users interaction to work.
Stand alone program that requires no user aid and exploits the systems vulnerabilities.
Malware that masquerades as innocuous or useful applications, they cannot self-replicate and acts to openm backdoors in a computer.
Typically emails, manipulates a user into giving away personal data.
Wireless Network Interface Card (NIC)
A station consists of a computer and a NIC, stations share a radio frequency channel.
Bus Topology
Arrangement where nodes are connected in a daisy chain by a single computer network.
It is slow
Does not scale well
Contains a terminator
Restricted by Cable length
Star Topology
Arrangement where nodes are connected by a common connecton node.
Easy to fix/isolate issues
Better performance and scalability
Central device is a point of failure
Can be expensive to set up
TCP/IP Stack
A set of rules used in turn, to format a message so it can be sent over a network.
Application Layer → Used to provide service for applications that want to communicate across networks. It seperates control instructions and data, using FTP. it has two different ports.
Transport Layer → Uses the transmission control protocol (TCP) to establish an end-to-end connection with the recipients computer. Splits data into packets, numbering them.
Internet/Network Layer → Uses IP to address packets with source and destination IP addresses. Labels the packets then sends them on.
Link Layer → Finds next locations MAC address. Sending over network connection operating the physical connection between devices.
Port Numbers
A port is used to alert a specific application to a network message.
(Port 20) File Transfer Protocol Data
Application level protocol used to move files accross a network.
(Port 21) File Transfer Protocol Control
controls the FTP Data.
(Port 22)
Secure Shell (SSH) Remote Login
(Port 443)
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
(Port 23)
Telnet Unencrypted Remote Login
(Port 80/8080)
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
(Port 143) Interim Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)
Manages emails on a server so multiple clients can access the same email account in Synchronicity.
(Port 110) Post Office Protocol V3 (POP3)
Downloads emails stored on a remote server to a local client.
(Port 25) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Used to send/forward emails between mail servers to their destination.
Client Server
User IDs, passwords and access levels are centrally controlled
Used in many large to small organisations.
Can be expensive to set up and maintain.
Backups usually are automated.
No access to other users files.
Peer-To-Peer Servers
Files and programs stored on individual computers.
Suitable for a home network.
Cheap to set up and maintain.
Each computer on the network acts as a client server.
Can be used for sharing of music and streaming coverage of live events.
Client-Server Networks
Central Server to manage security, some files held on a central server, some processing tasks performed by the server.
Peer-To-Peer Networks
No central server, each device is connected to each other.
Client-Server Functions
Initial Validation
Web Page Interactivity
Manipulating Interface Elements
Applying Styles
Reduces Server Load
Reduces Web Traffic
Server Processing Functions
Database Queries
Encoding Data to Readable HTML
Updating the Database
Further Validation
Keeps Data Secure
Meta Tags
Describes the contents of a web page, web develepors can place meta tags inside HTML pages to make the pages more likely to be found.
Page Rank
Developed to list search result in the orfer and rank of usefulness and relevance.
PageRank Algorithm
Page Rank of Page A
Damping Factor, Usually 0.85
Page Rank of pages Ti which link to page A.
The number of outbound links on page Ti
PageRank Factors
Domain Name → Relevance to the search item.
Frequency of search term in web page.
Age of web page.
Frequency of page updates.
Magnitude of content updates.
Keywords in <H1> tags,