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an angel who appeared announcing miraculous conceptions to multiple people

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wife of Zechariah

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Mother of Jesus

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initially does not see himself as worthy to be a part of God's plan

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John the Baptist

A cousin of Jesus

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Simon Peter

head of the Apostles whose given name means "hearer;" combined with the new name given to him by Jesus which means "rock;" we make a profound connection between his future role as pope and how the pope interacts with God

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Explain the quote, “The new testament lies hidden in the old, and the old testament is unveiled in the new.”

The quote means that the old testaments story come to fruition in the new testament, and the new testament can become more clear by looking in the past at the old.

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How did gods covenants evolve

Adam and Eve > Noah and Family > Adam and Tribe > Moses and Israelites > David and Kingdom > Prophets + those in exile > Jesus + Everyone

<p>Adam and Eve &gt; Noah and Family &gt; Adam and Tribe &gt; Moses and Israelites &gt; David and Kingdom &gt; Prophets + those in exile &gt; Jesus + Everyone</p>
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Zechariah and Mary visits from Gabriel


● Both received a visit from an angel named Gabriel

● Both were scared when they saw the angel

● Gabriel said, “Do not be afraid.”

● Both asked a question to Gabriel

● Both were told they would have an impossible son


● Zechariah is a descendant of Aaron, mary is a descendant of David

● Because of the question Zecheriahs got muted, Mary's question gets answered

● Elizabeth's child is John the Baptist, Mary's son is Jesus

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Joseph Visit from Gabriel

Gabriel appears to Joseph in a dream, and explains to him how the child got in Mary. Hestates do not be afraid, but he never asks a question to Gabriel

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Jewish custom of betrothal

This is the first half of a Jewish wedding ceremony, During the betrothal ceremony, vows are exchanged. Next, the husband has to go and prepare a home for them. During this time, the bride and groom are considered married. The only way out of a betrothal is by divorce or death.

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Why was jesus baptized even though he was sinless

To fulfill all righteousness and set an example for believers.

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role from apostles from rest of disciples

Apostles were specifically chosen by Jesus to be his closest followers and were sent out to spread the Gospel. The rest of the disciples were followers of Jesus, but were not chosen for this specific mission.

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how was jesus’s relationship with disciples different from traditional jewish rabbi disciples

Jesus had a more personal relationship with his disciples than traditional Jewish rabbis. He chose them himself and taught them through daily life experiences. He also encouraged them to question and challenge his teachings, unlike the strict obedience required by other rabbis.

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identify the 12 apostle

The 12 apostles were Jesus' closest followers and included Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the Less, Simon the Zealot, Judas (not Iscariot), and Judas Iscariot.

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identify 3 instructions jesus gives to his disciples before sending them out on their mission

  1. Preach the Kingdom of God

  2. Heal the sick

  3. Cast out demons

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what apostles were present at the transfiguration

Apostles Present: Peter, James, John

Definition: The event where Jesus was transfigured and his appearance changed while he was praying with three of his apostles.

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what do the numbers 3, 7, 12, and 40 symbolize in the new testament

Numbers 3, 7, 12, and 40 symbolize important themes in the New Testament. 3 represents the Trinity, 7 represents perfection and completion, 12 represents the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles, and 40 represents a period of testing and preparation.

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what is the kingdom of god

The Kingdom of God refers to the reign of God in the hearts of believers and the establishment of His rule on earth. It is the spiritual realm where God's will is done and His presence is experienced. Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God and its importance in the lives of His followers.

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3 ways satan tempts mankind

  1. pride

  2. pleasure

  3. possesion

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5 types of miracles jesus preforms

5 types -

  1. Healing miracles - Jesus healed the sick, blind, and lame.

  2. Exorcism miracles - Jesus cast out demons from people.

  3. Nature miracles - Jesus calmed the stormy sea and turned water into wine.

  4. Resurrection miracles - Jesus raised people from the dead.

  5. Provision miracles - Jesus fed thousands with just a few loaves and fish.

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what is the meaning of beatitude

The state of supreme happiness and blessedness, achieved through living a virtuous life and being in the presence of God in heaven.

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meaning of jesus’s 7 kingdoms parable

"Jesus's 7 Kingdoms Parable refers to the Kingdom of God, which is like a mustard seed that grows into a large tree. It represents the growth and expansion of God's kingdom on earth, from small beginnings to a powerful and influential force. The parable also emphasizes the importance of faith and trust in God's plan for the world."

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2 ways jesus is the new adam

Jesus is called the New Adam because he is the perfect representation of humanity, unlike Adam who failed to obey God. Jesus' obedience to God and his sacrifice on the cross undid the damage caused by Adam's disobedience, making it possible for humanity to be reconciled to God.

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2 ways jesus is the new isaac

Jesus is the new Isaac because both were promised sons by God. Jesus is the new Isaac because both were willing to be sacrificed by their fathers.

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2 ways jesus is the new moses

Jesus performed miracles similar to those of Moses, such as feeding the multitudes and calming the storm. Jesus gave a new law, the law of love, that fulfills and surpasses the law given by Moses.

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2 ways jesus is the new david

Jesus is the new David because he is a king: Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords, just like David was a king over Israel.Jesus is the new David because he fulfills prophecy: Many prophecies in the Old Testament spoke of a coming Messiah who would be a descendant of David. Jesus, who was born into the line of David, fulfilled these prophecies and became the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise.

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2 ways jesus is the new soloman

Jesus is the wisest man who ever lived, just like Solomon. Jesus is the king of all kings, just like Solomon was the king of Israel.

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events of holy week day by day

Palm Sunday: Commemoration of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Holy Monday: Jesus cleanses the temple and curses the fig tree.

Holy Tuesday: Jesus teaches in the temple and predicts His betrayal.

Holy Wednesday: Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Holy Thursday: Jesus shares the Last Supper with His disciples.

Good Friday: Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross.

Holy Saturday: Jesus' body rests in the tomb. Easter

Sunday: Jesus rises from the dead, defeating sin and death.

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summarize judas role in jesus’s death

Betrayed Jesus to the authorities for 30 pieces of silver, leading to his arrest and crucifixion. He killed himself becuase of the guilt.

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what was Pilates role in condeming jesus to death. why did the crowd force him.

Pilate, the Roman governor, was pressured by the crowd to sentence Jesus to death. He fell to peer pressure because he was going to be killed if he didnt.

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what women returned to the tomb after the sabbath

  • Mary Magdalene went to the tomb

  • Mary, the mother of James, went to the tomb

  • Salome went to the tomb

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2 ways we see jesus is the new adam

  1. Jesus is the new head of humanity, reversing Adam's disobedience with perfect obedience.

  2. Jesus' death and resurrection brings new life to all who believe, undoing Adam's sin and death.

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disciple of Jesus who was ordained to replace Judas Iscariot as an Apostle

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Pharisee who defended the Apostles before the Sanhedrin; taught Saul as his rabbi pre conversion

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(not the Apostle) one of 7 deacons ordained to help the Apostles; baptizes the Ethiopian Eunuch

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one of seven deacons appointed by the Apostles; first Christian to be martyred

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Ethiopian Eunuch

First recorded Gentile and African to become Christian; a very important man in his country who served the queen

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Roman centurion (Gentile) whose entire household was baptized by Peter

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one of the first disciples of the Apostles; risks his life to get to know if Saul's conversion is genuine

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John Mark

a disciple of Peter who wrote the Gospel of Mark; he had been a disciple of Paul

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a close disciple of Paul

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A disciple of the church in Jerusalem whom Paul chose to join him on his second missionary journey

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author of the Gospel and book of Acts; without his recordings

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a devout woman and seller of "purple cloth" from Phillipi; she offered hospitality to Paul and his companions

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The wife of Aquila

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the husband of Priscilla who became a disciple of Paul and one of his closest friends

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the capitol of the Roman Empire where Peter and Paul are martyred

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Saul's hometown known to be a great place of learning

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Greek for servant; ordained men who assist the Early Church

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Greek for letter; written by the Apostles and Paul to help individuals

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man who fell asleep while Paul was preaching in Troas and fell out of a third story window; raised/healed by Paul

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how do the 2 acension stories tell us how jesus wanted the apostles to build his kingdom

The two ascension stories in the Bible reveal how Jesus wanted his apostles to build his kingdom. In Luke, he instructed them to preach repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations. In Matthew, he commanded them to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Both emphasize the importance of spreading the gospel and making new followers.

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describe first christian community in jerusalem

The first Christian community in Jerusalem was a group of believers who shared all things in common and devoted themselves to prayer, fellowship, and the apostles' teaching. They were filled with awe and performed many wonders and signs. 120 people.

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compare and contrast peter and paul

"Two important figures in Christianity. One was a disciple of Jesus and the other was an apostle. Peter was impulsive and denied Jesus three times, while Paul was a former persecutor of Christians. Both were martyred for their faith, but Peter was crucified upside down and Paul was beheaded."

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sauls life before connversion

A devout Jew who persecuted Christians and approved of their executions. He was on his way to Damascus to arrest more believers when he had a life-changing encounter with Jesus on the road.

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