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Factor Analysis
A statistical procedure by which underlying patterns, factors, or dimensions are identified among a series of scale items.
Criminal psychopathy
A primary psychopath who engages in repetitive antisocial or criminal behavior
What is another term for primary psychopath?
true psychopath
What are the three dimensions of the tried psychopathy model?
disinhibition, boldness, callous unemotionality
Secondary psychopath
severe emotional problems and commit antisocial and violent acts because of those problems
According to Cleckley, which unchanging characteristic is always present in a psychopath?
superficial charm
The childhood of a psychopathy is characterized by what?
Semantic aphasia
A characteristic found in psychopaths whereby the words they speak are devoid of emotional sincerity
Compared to male psychopaths, are female psychopaths less aggressive and violent?
Dark triad
A cluster of personality traits that are associated with criminal psychopathy. The cluster includes psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism
Criminal psychopaths are more likely to kill who compared to non-psychopaths?
men that are a stranger
The boldness factor is also referred to as what?
fearless dominance
Behavior of a psychopath is a primary attempt to what?
obtain adequate stimulation
What are markers?
A term used for the neurological indicators of a particular phenomenona
Intellectual disability
a cognitive deficiency that cannot be cured
What is the essential feature of antisocial personality disorder?
lack of empathy
Most common type of forensic assessment conducted in court?
Assessment of competency to stand trial
Disturbances with cognition, emotional responses, and behavior
Psychopath has what type of autonomic nervous system?
under aroused
What does DSM stand for?
diagnostic statistic manual
What do some states supplement the McNaughten rule with?
irresistible impulse test
What is the McNaughten rule also known as?
right or wrong test
What issue is considered the core of the insanity offense?
criminal responsibility
Jackson vs Indiania
incompetent defendants cannot be hospitalized indefinitely if no progress is made to restore them
Fouche vs Louisiana
defendant cannot remain hospitalized once they are no longer mentally disordered
Most common result of a PTSD defense?
diminished responsibility
Which label is associated with the iatrogenic phenomena?
dissociative identity disorder
A true psychopath consistently displays what behavior?
everything BUT neurotic and anxious behavior
What is hemisphere asymmetry?
An unusual or abnormal balance between the 2 hemispheres, both in language processing and in emotional cues
Why do secondary psychopath commit antisocial acts?
Severe emotional problems or inner conflict
Are psychopathy and bipolar disorder on the same spectrum of disorders?
What are the two forms of dissociative amnesia?
localized and generalized
What is the result of the Tarasoff case?
established counselor's "duty to protect" or "duty to warn"
Competency at the time of the crime
How many prison and jail inmate benefit from mental health treatment?
about ½
Do women psychopaths far outnumber men?
Men are at an increased risk of violent offending when they have schizophrenia and what else?
Sell vs US
court should be careful in ordering medication to treat defendants found incompetent to stand trial who refuse the medication
What is the best predictor of criminal recidivism?
change of self esteem during incarceration
What is the McNaughten rule say?
A person is not responsible for a crime if, at the time, they did not know the nature and quality of the act or did not know that it was wrong due to a disease of the mind