smallest speech units in a language that c an be distinguished perceptually
ex. sounds letters make (about 40 in English language)
occurs when a child incorrectl uses a word to describe a narrower set of objects/actions than it is meant to
ex. "use doll only for a specific favorite doll
consists mainly of content words; articles, prepositions, othe less critical words are omitted
ex. "give doll" vs "please give me the doll"
innate mechanism or process that facilitates the learning of language
ex humans learn language same way birds learn to fly (biologically equipped for it)
tendency to perceive an item only in terms of its most common use
ex. screwdriver is only for screws/ opening things, not a weight
trying possible solutions and discarding those that are in error until one works
ex. eating berries, some kill some dont, they learn and try more
3 groups of rats (group A, B, C)
group A rewarded each time they completed maze
Group B not reinforced at all -Group C rewarded after 11th time -C ran at same time as A, showing they were learning the whole time -Tolman's experiments with rats demonstrated that organisms can learn even if they do not receive immediate reinforcement
latent learning is the learning that is not readily apparent util received reinforcement
1 group of rats(A and B) -both shocked 20 times, A had tone 20 times and B had tone 40 times -Contingency theory is one approach to formalizing associative learning (Rescorla, 1967, 1968). According to Rescorla, the "American" view of Pavlovian conditioning focused upon the frequency of pairings between reinforcement (or more generally the unconditioned stimulus (US)) and the conditioned stimulus (CS).
conigency theory is that for learning to take place the stimulus provides subject in for concerning likelihood or chance that certain event will occur