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amino acid tyrosine
catecholamine synthesis begins with this
dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine
catecholamines include
catecholamines belong to this larger group called
adrenal medulla, hormones
__ secrets epinephrine and norepinephrine into the bloodstream, with them acting as __
increased cat. levels of terminal, neuron firing rate
activity of TH is regulated by
cat. synthesis can be increased by administering
vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT)
a transporter on the vesicle membrane that is responsible for catecholamine uptake
adrenal medulla and kidney
VMAT 1 catecholamine uptake transporter is found in
the brain
VMAT 2 catecholamine uptake transporter is found in
VMAT can be blocked by this drug
sedation and depression-like
if DA and NE are not protected in a vesicle, they are broken down and this behavior occurs
through admission of DOPA
how can behavior induced by lack of NE and DA be reversed
amphetamine and methamphetamine
these drugs cause cat. release independent of cell firing
increased locomotor activity and stereotyped behavior
dopamine meth + amph symptoms
subtype of dopamine receptor that acts as an autoreceptor
they inhibit VGCC + enhance opening of potassium channels to shorten duration of action potentials
how do autoreceptors stop exogenesis
alpha 2
subtype of norepinephrine receptor that is an auto receptor
drugs that inhibit cat. release, increase auto receptors
drugs that stimulate cat. release, inhibit auto receptors
alpha 2 antagonist that blocks the auto receptors and increases norepinephrine release
reuptake and breakdown
how are catecholamines inactivated
movement of DA and NE from the synaptic cleft into the nerve terminal via specific membrane transporter proteins for repackaging or break down
metabolizes NE in humans and rodents and DA in rodents
metabolizes DA in humans
metabolizes both NE and DA
homovanillic acid (HVA)
DA metabolite
3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylglycol (MHPG)
NE metabolite in the brain
vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)
NE metabolite in the PNS
CSF —> bloodstream —> peed out (urine)
path of metabolites
MAO inhibitors
used to enhance catecholamine levels by inhibiting breakdown enzymes
COMT inhibitors
enhance the effectiveness of L-DOPA in treating Parkinson’s disease
three; brainstem
number of primary ascending dopaminergic system pathways that originate in the __
cells in the substantia nigra extend to the caudate-putamen or striatum
nigrostriatal (mesostriatal) tract
nigrostriatal (mesostriatal) tract neurons
these neurons atrophy in Parkinson’s disease
ventral tegmental area (VTA)
meso-tracts refers to cells in the
goes from the VTA to the prefrontal cerebral cortex and hippocampus
mesocortical dopamine pathway
cognition, attention, working memory, schizophrenia, ADHD
implicated in the mesocortical pathway
goes from the VTA to various structures of the limbic system
mesolimbic dopamine pathway
reward processing, arousal, locomotion, addiction
implicated in the mesolimbic pathway
D1 + D5, D2+D3+D4
these dopamine receptor and similar
D1-like receptors
includes D1 and D5 receptor subtypes
D2-like receptors
includes D2, D3, and D4 receptor subtypes
in dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens
where DA receptor subtypes are found
postsynaptic, autoreceptors, postsynaptic receptors
D1 are most ( ) while D2 are either ( ) or ( )
adenylyl cyclase and synthesis of cAMP
D1 receptor activation stimulates
regulates potassium channels and/or calcium channels via its G Protein
D2 receptor activation inhibits adenylyl cyclase but
Gq-coupled proteins activate PLC
these initiate calcium-signaling
higher affinity
DA has ( ) ( ) for D2 receptors over D1 receptors
DA firing that engages D1 receptors
DA firing that engages postsynaptic D2 receptors
striatum (caudate/putamen), globus pallidus (GPe/GPi), subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra
direct and indirect pathways of movement in the basal ganglia
noradrenergic system central components
cell bodies in the brainstem (pons and medulla) send projections to the forebrain
arousal, cognition, and consolidation of emotional memories
noradrenergic central implicated in
noradrenergic system peripheral components
fight or flight response/sympathetic response
pons and medulla of the brainstem
where NE neurons in the brain are
locus coeruleus
located in the pons; a dense collection of NE neurons
forebrain, cerebellum, and spinal cord
where NE neurons end
adrenal glands
where NE is secreted as a hormone and it plays a key role in the fight-or-flight response
metabotropic, alpha, beta
adrenergic receptors are ( ) and have two subtypes: ( ), ( )
Gq, PLC3, IP3, DAG
alpha 1 receptors use ( ) proteins and operate via ( ), ( ), ( )
G /o, cAMP
alpha 2 receptors use ( ) proteins and reduce synthesis of ( )
Gs, adenylyl cyclase, cAMP
beta 1 and beta 1 adrenoreceptors use ( ) proteins and stimulate ( ) ( ), thus enhancing synthesis of ( )
prefrontal cortex
the locus coeruleus projects to ( ) ( )
working memory
activation of alpha 2 receptors in the PFC enhances ( ) ( )
alpha 1
NE has a lower affinity for ( ) receptors; increase NE associated with stress increase this activation
activation of alpha 1 receptors in the PFC has a ( ) effect on cognitive functions
serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid ( )
tryptophan hydroxylase
() () converts tryptophan to 5-HTP
expressed by serotonergic neurons
TPH2 is a form of the tryptophan hydroxylaseTPH gene that is ( )
expressed by 1. 5-HT-secreting cells in the gut and 2. melatonin-secreting cells in the pineal gland
TPH1 is a form of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene that is
tryptophan hydroxylase
the rate-limiting step in serotonin
serotonergic neurons
tryptophan hydroxylase is found only in ( ) ( )
is found in the synthesis of catecholamines and 5-HT
high carb / low protein
this type of diet can increase 5HT synthesis
stimulates insulin release leading to uptake of amino acids in depot sites which reduces competition for tryptophan to enter the brain
how does a high carb/low protein diet increase 5HT synthesis
serotonin synthesis
condition that results in serious negative symptoms that are often a result of increased 5HT signaling in the body
serotonin is transported into vesicles by ( )
depletes 5-HT, which is broken down when not protected in vesicles
5-HT1B, 5-HT1D
terminal autoreceptors such as ( ) and ( ) directly inhibit 5-HT
somatodendritic autoreceptors
indirectly inhibit release by slowing the rate of neuron firing
5-HT transport, SERT
after release, 5-HT is rapidly removed from the synaptic cleft via reuptake by the ( ) also known as ( )
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
SERTs are blocked by ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
cocaine, MDMA
( ) and ( ) can nonselectively block SERT
MAO-A, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
breakdown of 5-HT is catalyzed only by ( ) to yield ( )
activity, serotonergic neurons
levels of 5-HIAA in the brain or CSF are used as a measure of the ( ) of ( ) ( )
midline of the brainstem, dorsal, medial raphe nuclei
most 5HT neurons in the CNS are found along the ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ), particularly the ( ) and ( ) ( ) ( )
almost all ( ) regions receive 5HT projections
14, metabotropic
there are ( ) receptors for 5-HT, and most are
hippocampus, septal area, amygdala, dorsal raphe nucleus
5-HT1A receptors are concentrated in the ( ), ( ) ( ), ( ), and ( ) ( ) ( )
autoreceptor, heteroreceptor
5HT1A receptors function as a ( ) or ( )
5-HT1A increase the opening of potassium channels and membrane ( )
cAMP, adenylyl cyclase
5-HT1A receptors use the G i/o protein to reduce ( ) synthesis by inhibiting ( ) ( )
mood, cognition, memory
5-HT1A receptors are implicated in the control of ( ), ( ), and ( )
WAY 100635
( ) is a 5-HT1A receptor antagonist
5-HT2A receptors have large numbers in the ( )
Gq, phosphoinositide
5-HT2A receptors activate the ( ) protein, which then activate the ( ) second-messenger system
calcium, postsynaptic, PKC
5-HT2A receptors increase ( ) levels in ( ) cells and also activate ( )
5-HT2A agonist which results in characteristic head twitch
DOI and related drugs are ( )
triptans are ( ) agonists that cause constriction of the vessels in the brain that ease headache pain
many of the 5-HT1B/1D are ( )