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E-, Ex-
Out, from, away
In-, Im-
In, into, on, against, over
Emigrate (v)
Move out of a country or region
Immigrate (v)
Move into a foreign country or region as a permanent resident
Eminent (adj)
Standing out; conspicuous; distinguished; noteworthy
Imminent (adj)
Hanging threateningly over one's head; about to occur; impending
Enervate (v)
Lessen the strength of; enfeeble; weaken
Erosion (n)
Gradual wearing away
Evoke (v)
Bring out; call forth; elicit
Invoke (v)
Call on for help or protection; appeal to for support
Excise (v)
Cut out; remove by cutting out
Incise (v)
Cut into; carve; engrave
Exclusive (adj)
1. Shutting out, or tending to shut out, others
2. Not shared with others; single; sole
Inclusive (adj)
Including the limits (dates, numbers, etc) mentioned
Exhibit (v)
Show; display (literally hold out)
Inhibit (v)
Hold in check; restrain; repress
Expel (v)
Drive out; force out; compel to leave
Impel (v)
Drive on; force; compel
Implicate (v)
Show to be part of or connected with; involve
Impugn (v)
Call in question; assail by words or arguments; attack as false, contradict (antonym: advocate)
Incarcerate (v)
Put in prison; imprison; confine
Inscribe (v)
Write, engrave, or print to create a lasting record
Insurgent (n)
One who rises in revolt against established authority; rebel
Insurgent (adj)
Extracurricular (adj)
Outside the regular curriculum, or course of study
Extraneous (adj)
Coming from or existing outside; foreign; not essential
Extravagant (adj)
1. Outside the bounds of reason; excessive
2. spending lavishly; wasteful
(antonyms: restrained, frugal)
Intramural (adj)
Within the walls or boundaries (of a school, college, etc.); confined to members (of a school, college, etc.)
Intraparty (adj)
Within a party
Intrastate (adj)
Within a state
Intravenous (adj)
Within or by way of the veins
Contra-, Contro-, Counter-
Against, contrary
Con (adv)
Against; on the negative side (short for contra) Antonym: pro
Con (n)
Opposing argument; reason against
Contraband (n)
Merchandise imported or exported contrary to law; smuggled goods
Contravene (v)
Go or act contrary to; violate; disregard; infringe
Controversy (n)
( literally, a turning against) Dispute; debate; quarrel
Counter (adv)
Contrary; in the opposite direction
Countermand (v)
Cancel (an order) by issuing a contrary order
Incontrovertible (adj)
Not able to be turned against or disputed; unquestionable; certain; indisputable
Intercede (v)
( Literally, go between) Interfere to reconcile differences; mediate; plead in another's behalf; intervene
Intercept (v)
Stop or seize on the way from one place to another
Interlinear (adj)
Inserted between lines already printed or written
Interlude (n)
Anything filling the time between two events; interval
Intermediary (n)
Go-between; mediator
Intermission (n)
Pause between periods of activity; interval; interruption
Intersect (v)
Cut by passing through or across; divide; cross
Interurban (adj)
Between cities or towns
Intervene (v)
1. Come between
2. come in to settle a quarrel; intercede; mediate