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seven years war

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seven years war

1754-1763 conflict between european nations but mainly britain and france. france gave a lot of its territories to england and spain, but the british economy suffered

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albany plan of union

franklins plan that established an organized colonial council to debate and solve problems like frontier defense and trade. this plan never followed through

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peace of paris

peace treaty signed to end the seven years war. some terms included britain getting land east of the mississippi and some in canada, and also spain getting louisianna and lands west of the mississippi

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proclamation line of 1763

prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains. sparked many protests

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george washington

colonial officer who led troops in the seven years war, he was appointed lieutenant of the virginia militia and launched suprise attack on fort duquesne in 1754

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king george iii

king of england during this time. he gave up several territories so he could finalize the peace of paris

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ottawa leader who convened a council and continued to fight the british. he had the support of 18 american indian nations. attacked fort pitt and british outposts, as well as white settlements along the frontier

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political sovereignty

dominant power

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salutary neglect

policy in british colonies that made supervision of internal colonial affairs less intense (as long as the colonies produced materials and revenue for britain)

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committee of correspondence

committee in MA to circulate concerns, protests, and important events to leaders in the other colonies

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virtual representation

parliament gave voice to the views of the colonists and represented their interests

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sons of liberty

a group formed by merchants, traders, and artisans who were dedicated to the repeal of the Stamp Act. organized the boston tea party. leader was samuel adams.

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currency act

prohibited colonies from printing paper money or bills of credit

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sugar act

import tax of sugar products and other luxury items (molasses, wine, coffee, etc.)

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quartering act

ensured that british troops would remained stationed in the colonies until the war was over

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stamp act

taxed any transaction involving paper products

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declaratory act

announced parliaments power to pass any law they want to connect the colonies closer to britain

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townshend acts

instituted an import tax on items like glass, lead, paper, and tea

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boston massacre

clash between colonial protesters and british soldiers leading to the death of five colonists. took place in massachusetts

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tea act

aimed to lessen debts of britain and british eat india company by providing the company with a tea monopoly

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boston tea party

rally against the new tax act. organized by the sons of liberty. they dressed up as american indians, boarded british ships, and poured five tons of tea into the boston harbor

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coercive acts

harsh laws that punished the people for the boston tea party. closed the boston port until residents paid for damaged property. also known as intolerable acts

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quebec act

extended boundaries of quebec into areas of the ohio river valley that colonists wanted to settle

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when did the revolutionary war begin

april 19 1775. year after coercive and quebec acts were passed

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samuel adams

leader of the sons of liberty. john adams cousin.

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patrick henry

passed the virginia resolves denouncing taxation without representation

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john dickinson

wrote letters that attacked the townshend acts. member of the quakers and PA attorney.

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cripus attucks

african american killed in the boston massacre.

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paul revere

silversmith. warned minutemen of the british attack. suggested that the soldiers shot at a peaceful and respectable looking crowd with fewer low class participants

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american colonists who favored the movement for american independence

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continental congress

congress convened in philidelphia in 1774 in response to the coercive acts. hoped to reestablish freedom

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continental army

army created by the second continental congress after the battles of lexington and concord began the revolutionary war in 1775. got an alliance with france

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militia groups trained to prepare quickly for local defense in case of british attack

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second continental congress

assembly of colonial representatives that served as a national government during the revolution

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dunmores proclamation

issued by lord dunmore that offered freedom to any enslaved african american who joined the british army

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declaration of independence

document declaring american independence from britain. july 4, 1776. risked getting arrested of treason

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colonial supporters of the british during the revolution

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thomas paine

gov employee who wrote common sense, providing a rationale for independence and liberty to all americans

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thomas jefferson

on the committee to draft a formal statement justifying independence. took the lead in preparing the declaration

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john adams

americas number 2. worked to draft the declaration

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george mason

drafted the virginia declaration of rights in may of 1776. opposed the constitution

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richard henry lee

introduced a motion to the congress in early june 1776 saying that "these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states"

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betsy ross

sewed flags for continental troops

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battle of saratoga

key battle at saratoga new york. patriots won in oct 1777 and colonists were hopeful that they could triumph. also increased the chances that france would ally with them

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valley forge

place where washingtons army of patriots stayed for a long winter

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battle of yorktown

battle where british forces surrendered on oct 19, 1781 at yorktown virginia. effectively sealed patriot victory in the revolution. (cornwallis led this loss for the loyalists)

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treaty of paris

1783 treaty that ended the revolutionary war

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baron friedrich von steuben

a prussian military officer who trained the continental army

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marquis de lafayette

french soldier who served with the continental army

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charles cornwallis

british general who surrendered at yorktown. reclaimed charleston south carolina. evicted the patriots from there and gained more control before his surrender

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comte de rochambeau

french commander of 5,000 french troops south from rhode island to virginia. helped washington

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john jay

patriot representative in paris who negotiated peace terms at the end of the revolution

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