Bishop Kenny Mrs. Mark
Pattern found in works of literature across different cultures and time periods
Figure of speech that compares 2 things using “like” or “as”
Figure of speech that compares 2 unlike things that have something important in common
Inanimate object, abstract idea, or animal is given human abilities at characteristics
Dramatic Irony
When the audience or reader knows more than the characters in a work of literature
Situational Irony
Sharp contrast between the result of a situational and what was expected
Verbal Irony
What is said is actually the opposite of what is really meant
Hint or clue suggests on event that will occur later in the story
Literature where a person, place, object, or an activity table for something beyond itself
Where two ideas in a story are compared
Message about life or human that the writer shares with the reader: central insight
Character that has “story pride”
What are the characteristics of an epic hero archetype?
Superhuman qualities, courage and cunning, nobility, flawed, and undergoes growth
What are the characteristics of an epic poem
begins in medias res
Uses epithets
Quest through vast lands
Divine intervention
Epic hero present
What is the overall message of Jospeh Campbell’s “Hero Journey”?
In order to become a great hero, you will go through steps that will affect his/her fate
How did the Sumerians influence literature?
They wrote humanity’s oldest system of writing and sparked the beginning of literature
Why is EOG historically significant
It’s the oldest written piece of literature in history and provides us with valuable info on the Mesopotamian culture
Who was Gilgamesh?
Good ruler that had a flaw of being arrogent
Who was Enikdu?
Person sent from gods to kill Gilgamesh but ends up becoming best friends with him
Who was Utnapistim?
Escaped death because Enlil overreacted and killed many people so Enlil gave Uthapistim immortality
What is the overall plot of EOG
Gilgamesh takes on a quest of immortality because his best friend, Enkidu, passes from a curse casted by the gods. He travels to the city of Uruk and goes through many challenges to find U. and ask how to get immortality
How does Gilgamesh fit into the Epic Hero archetype?
He has superhuman qualities, flawed, and undergoes changes
Why does Utnapistim tell Gilgamesh the flood story?
That is what gave him immortality
What is the theme of EOG?
meaning of life
Relationships and friendships
Mortality and immortality
What set the Ancient Hebrew’s apart from other civilizations?
They were monotheists and the Sumerians were polytheists
What is the overall plot of The Biblical Flood
God has seen how corrupted the world was so he casts a flood and tells 1 person to pass the news. The man gets all the animals in a big Ark and this lasts for 40 days and 40 nights. In the end, they found land and made a new home
R&S was one story in a larger book. What was it called?
The Epic of Kings
Who were the main characters found in R&S
Rostam and Sohrab
What is the overall plot of R&S?
Sohrab asks who his dad is and his mom tells him that it’s Rostam. Sohrab goes into war to find Rostam but ends up getting killed by his dad
What are the main themes of R&S
relentless quest for glory → leads to tragedy
Anger and pride can bring out a man’s downfall
What is the overall plot of the lliad?
It is during the Trojan war when Ag. and Achilles have an argument and end up getting their battles together and try to fight
What is the main theme of the llaid?
war and mortality. When hector angered Achilles and they both fought to the death, Hector died
How does Achilles embody the archetype of an epic hero?
He undergoes change and becomes merciful towards the end
What is an epithet? Provide two examples
Nickname given to a person
→ Grey eyed : Athena
→ High Commander : Agamemnon
What is divine intervention? Provide two examples
When the gods help a human
When Achilles dropped his spear and Athena picked it up for him
Hector asked Apollo to give him strength and speed
What is hamartia? What is Oedipus’ hamartia?
When you make a wrong choice of judgement. When O. saw the men on the road, he killed him instead of leaving them alone
what is the role of the chorus in Ancient Greek Theater
Chorus gives advice and comments about the story
What is the overall plot of Oedipus Rex
King Laius is murdered and Apollo cursed the land and won’t stop until Laius’ murder is caught. O. finds out it was him and he’s sleeping with his mother. He blinds himself after Jocasta finds out his prophets and kills herself
What are two instances of symbolism found in Oedipus Rex?
Crossroads and swollen feet
Who developed the concept of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and scientist who made EPL
Give an example of Ethos
“I recommend Cleanser by Doja Cat” - Dr. Alexander Smith
Give an example of Pathos
“Open a coke, open happiness” - Coke Commercial
Give an example of Logos
“Attractively priced thousands less than the BMW 3 series” - Car Ad
Name each step of the ICED breakdown to writing a paragraph
I introduce the topic
C clarify and explain the idea
E evidence
D finishing up the paragraph
What is the proper structure of the introduction in a 5 paragraph essay
To give us a hooker and get us intrigued then give us 3 piece of info, and then the thesis
What is the proper structure of body paragraph in a 5 paragraph essay
Explaining the 3 pieces of evidence in the thesis
What is the proper structure of the conclusion paragraph in a 5 paragraph essay
Restate the thesis end off with a kicker
Provide a proper MLA in text citation for llaid page 117
(Homer, 117)
How do you properly blend a quote
keeping the quote under 9 words
Quote at the end of the sentence
Using evidence before the quote to make it sound better
List how to properly format a document in MLA style
Times New Roman
12 pt.
Double spaced
Title in the middle