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the great chicago fire
the gilded age
the gilded age
mark twain’s name for the age of industry
fill in the blank
during the “gilded age” most immigrants came from _______
chinese exclusion act
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congress created the _______ _______ ____ (1882) to bar chinese laborers from entering the US for 10 years
william speer
began a mission for the chinese in san francisco
who gifted the US the statue of liberty?
eastern europe
fill in the blanks
by the 1900s, over ____% of all immigrants came from _______ _______
elevated railways
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the omnibus (horse-drawn coach) was replaced by ________ _______
cable car
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the ______ ____ was introduced in san francisco
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boston introduced the first _______ to america
electric trolley car
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the ________ ______ _____ was the most practical and widely used means of transportation in the 19th century
brooklyn bridge
the largest suspension bridge in the world when it was completed
john a. roebling
chief engineer of the brooklyn bridge
washington a. roebling
john a. roebling’s son who completed the project after his death
fill in the blank
the rapid growth of cities was not always ________ and _____
great chicago fire
destroyed chicago because wood was the chief building material
settlement houses
shelters for homeless and poor people
hull house
first settlement house created in chicago by jane addams
jane addams
fill in the blank
the hull house was the first settlement house created in chicago by _______ ________
the first state to give suffrage to women (1890)
susan b. anthony
elizabeth stanton
led the suffrage movement
elizabeth blackwell
first woman to receive a medical degree in the US
christopher sholes
perfected the typewriter
middle class
fill in the blank
the age of industry brought about the american _______ _____
forerunner of chain stores in america
john wanamaker
created the precursor of the modern department store
marshall field
known for his large department store in chicago
cincinnati red stockings
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america’s first professional baseball team was the _______ ___ ________
invented by james naismith, a YMCA instructor in MS
james naismith
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basketball was invented by ______ ________, a YMCA instructor in MS
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_______ became a favorite spectator sport in the 1870s
james “gentleman jim” corbett
brought about a “gentler” form of boxing
p. t. barnum
organized a traveling tent circus
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___________ became a popular pastime in the early 1890s
montgomery ward
first mail order catalogs and business
sears and roebuck
company and catalog began by richard sears; one of the most-read publications in america after the Bible
local church
fill in the blank
the most important institution of rural communities was the _____ ______