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What is the main function of the respiratory system?
It delivers oxygenated air to blood and remove carbon dioxide
Blood Pressure (Page 153)
The force of blood pushing against the arteries
Measuring how hard the heart is working against the arterial walls during contraction
Measuring the pressure of the heart when it’s at a relaxed state (The ventricles are relaxed and being filled with blood)
Cardiac output
The amount of blood pumped into the aorta each minute
Stroke volume
The amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with each heartbeat
Heart rate (Include Intensity of Work)
The amount your heart beats per minute
During the intensity of exercise, the heart rate can increase up to 200bpm
The Peripheral Circulatory System
The vessels that carry blood away from the heart and to the organs (Lungs, Brain, Stomach, Intestines)
Arteries vs Veins
Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry blood towards the heart
Specialized body fluid with four main components:
RBC (carries oxygen to the body), WBC (Fights diseases) , Plasma (Transports clots)
Blood Doping (Page 157)
To increase the amount of rbcs in the body, many athletes will remove and store blood then inject it back into the body
Transportation of Carbon Dioxide
byproduct of cellular respiration
Once formed into the tissue cells, it diffuses into the blood, and goes to the lungs to be exhaled
Function of the Lungs (Page 162)
Allows us to breathe, bring oxygen in our body, removes carbon dioxide
Gas Exchange
Occurs in alveoli
the process where oxygen from inhaled air moves into the bloodstream within the lungs, while carbon dioxide, a waste product, moves from the blood into the lungs to be exhaled
Exercise Benefits/Adaptations
Increased size of heart, Stroke volume, max cardiac output, capillaries, total blood volume, hemoglobin levels, number and size of mitochondria, oxygen consumption, oxygen extraction, muscle endurance, lung capacity, gas exchange, recovery time, lower resting heart rate
Exercise and Environments
New environments create additional stress on various psychological systems on the body
The density of the molecules in the body lowers so you have to breathe faster or take deeper breaths to adapt
When at rest, the body loses heat due to radiation.
When exercising in the heat, your body produces sweat to maintain homeostasis. When the sweat evaporates, you lose heat.
When exercising in the cold, your muscles involuntary shiver to increase your metabolic rate to produce heat.
What is the function of the cardiovascular system
The cardiovascular system delivers oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other important substances to cells and organs in the body.
oxygen uptake
The amount of oxygen that is consumed by the body as a result of aerobic metabolism
the process of moving air in and out of the lungs, and is also known as breathing.