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Dudo que…
I doubt that.. (subjunctive)
Es probable que…
It is probable that... (subjunctive)
No creo que…
I don't believe that... (subjunctive)
No pienso que…
I don't think that... (subjunctive)
No es verdad que…
It's not true that... (subjunctive)
No es cierto que…
It's not certain that... (subjunctive)
Es possible que…
It is not possible that… (subjunctive)
Es seguro que…
It is sure that…(indicative)
Sé que…
I know that... (indicative)
Creo que…
I believe that... (indicative)
Pienso que…
I think that... (indicative)
Es verdad que…
It is true that... (indicative)
Es cierto que…
It is certain that... (indicative)
Opimo que…
I am of the opinion that…(indicative)
Es possible que…
Its possible that…(indicative)