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Unique features of E-Commerce: Ubiquity
Ease of access, internet is avalible everywhere no need to go to a Physical market
Unique features of E-Commerce: Global Reach
Billions of potential customer due to online stores not being limited by reigion
Unique features of E-Commerce: Universal Standards
Only one set of standards which is the internet standards. which lowers search costs and market entry costs.
Unique features of E-Commerce: richness
Supports Video, audio and text messages. all these media types can be included in marketing. (Tip the human version of adding enrichment to a cats food)
Unique features of E-Commerce: Interactivity
Technology works through interaction with the user, therefor online stores can tailer to their customers exact needs
Unique features of E-Commerce: Information Density
The amount and quality of available information is huge.
Unique features of E-Commerce: Personalization
Technology allows for personalisation of products or services to tailer to an individual or group of people.
Unique features of E-Commerce: Social Technology
Technology allows for social networking, and user-generated content
What does E-commerce enable?
price discrimination, dynamic pricing, price disintermediation
What does E-commerce reduce?
information asymmetry, reduces search costs, transaction costs, and menu costs
Information Asymmetry
When one party of a transasction has more knowladge than another
Menu Costs
The costs of changing prices
Transaction Costs
Costs to participate in a market/ cost of purchasing (ie. no need for gas)
Price Discrimination
different prices in different markets depending on how much a buyer is willing to pay
Dynamic pricing
Changing price based on factors of demand, such as more people are searching this product now, so increase price
List E-commerce business models
Portal, E-tailer, Content Provider, Transaction Broker, Market Creator, Service provider, Community provider
List E-commerce Revenue Models
Advertising, sales, subscriptions, transaction fee, affiliate
What is a value proposition?
How a companys products fullfill the customers needs
What are some Web 2.0 Services?
Croud Searching/wisdom of the crowds, Website Visiter Tracking, website personalisation
What is an EDI?
Electronic data Interchange, is a tool used to automate Buisness to Buisness trasactions (BTB)
What are the essential components of a network?
PC with a network interface ward, Network Switch, Server, Router
What is packet Switching?
Slicing the message/data into parts then sending them separately. Once the Data reaches its destination the message/data is returned into its original form
What is client Server Computing?
A client PC requests a serivce which a main central server then process and provides the required data.Cleints are linked by a centralized mainframe computing system (The internet)
Components of networks in large companies?
Local Area networks are linked to a corporate network of powerful servers. Includes back end systems. Such as Mobile wireless lans, video conference systems and so on
TCP and IP Connectivity
Connectivity between two different computers is based on certain protocols. These protocols are rules that govern the transmission between two point. Transmission control protocol and Internet Protocol.
TCP/IP connectivity example
Application — Transport — Internet — Network Interface -
Application — Transport — Internet — Network Interface
Domain Name System
root domain is . , top level domain is com, edu, org , second level domain is google congress expidia, third level domain is the host
Internet services
Email, Instant messaging/chatting, File Transfer Protocal (FTP), VoIP, Vitual Private Network, World Wide Web (www)
File Transfer Protocal (FTP)
a standard network protocol used for the transfer of files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet
technology that allows you to make voice calls
Components of the World Wide Web (www)
HTML, Hyper Text Transfer Protocols (HTTP), Uniform Resource Locators (URL), Web Servers, Search engine, Shopping bots
standard language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser
Hyper Text Transfer Protocols (HTTP)
set of rules which allows data to be transferred in web pages
Web 2.0
more interactive, real time user control, social participation, user generated content
Web 3.0
more intelegent computing, seemless experiance, making searches more relevent to the user
Raidio Frequency Identification (RFID)
tag with a microchip containing data about an items location and antenna. They transmit data to RFID readers, which send the data to a network for processing.
Common Uses of RFID
Automate toll collection, and track goods in the supply chain. It also requires special hardware and software. But become cheap so becoming accessible
IT infrastructure
Set of devices and software required to operate an enterprise.
What services does IT infrastructure provide?
Telecommunications services, data management services, computing services, service platform perspective (more accurate view of investments)
What is the evolution of IT infrastructure?
Mainframe and micro computing, personal computer, client server network, enterprise computing, cloud computing.
Mainframe and Micro computing
Mainframes can process requests from a number of users simultaneously, whereas a microcomputer is designed to be used by one person at a time
enterprise computing
the information technology infrastructure, systems, and applications that businesses and large organizations use to manage and process their data on a large scale
cloud computing
on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user
Laws of IT Infrastructure: moore’s law
computing doubles every 18 months
Laws of IT Infrastructure: metcalf’s law
power of a network grows exponentially as a function of the network members. the more network members a network has the higher demand to join a network has.
Laws of IT Infrastructure: law of mass digital storage
the data stored doubles each year
Laws of IT Infrastructure: declining communication
communicatopom and internet are becmoing more accessable. Therefor usage of comuting facilities increase.
What are the 7 main components of IT infrastructure?
computer hardware
operating system
enterprise software
data maanagment and storage
networking and telecommunications platform
Internet Platform
Consulting system integration services
Computer Hardware Trends
mobiles, grid computing, virtualization, on-demand, green computing, multi processors, autonomic computing
Grid Computing
connects geographicly remote computers in order to create a single super computer
allows a single physical resource to act as multiple logical ones
On demand
offloading peak demand for computing power to remote large scale data processing centers
Green computing
practices and technologys for manufactoring using and disposing of computing networking hardware. Attemts to make computing mroe eco freindly and reduce energy consumption
Types of software
Open source, ajax, service oriented, apps, machups, widgets, software packages, cloud based software, software outsearching
Software out searching (domestic,offshore)
"Software outsourcing" is when a company hires another company or individuals to do some of its software development work. domestic outsourcing is hiring people within the country. Offshore is hiring people out of country
Total cost of ownership model (TCO)
Analysing the direct and indirect costs, cost of teh software and hardware (20%), cost of training, installation, space, downtime.
How can TCO be reduced?
Centralization, standardization of hardware, and use of cloud services
Rogue software program that attaches itself to other software programs or data files in order to be executed
Independent computer programs that copy themselves from one computer to other computers over a network
Trojan horses
Software program that appears to be benign but then does something other than expected
SQL injection attacks
Hackers submit data to web forms that exploits site’s unprotected software and sends rogue SQL query to database
Small programs install themselves surreptitiously on computers to monitor user web surfing activity and serve up advertising
Key loggers
Record every keystroke on computer to steal serial numbers, passwords, launch internet attacks
Hackers Activities include:
System intrusion, system damage, cybervandalism
Eavesdropping program that monitors information traveling over network Enables hackers to steal proprietary information such as e-mail, company files
Click fraud
Occurs when individual or computer program fraudulently clicks on online ad without any intention of learning more about the advertiser or making a purchase
Why systems are vulnerable
Accessibility of networks, Hardware problems, Software problems, Loss and theft of portable devices
Denial-of-service attacks (DoS)
Flooding server with thousands of false requests to crash the network
Identity theft
Theft of personal Information
Evil twins
Wireless networks that pretend to offer trustworthy Wi-Fi connections to the internet
Misrepresenting oneself by using fake e-mail addresses or masquerading as someone else
Setting up fake websites/emails that look like legitimate businesses to ask users for confidential personal data
Redirects users to a bogus web page, even when the individual types the correct web page address into their browser
How can security threats originate from within the organization?
inside knowledge, Sloppy security procedures, User lack of knowledge
Social engineering
Tricking employees into revealing their passwords by pretending to be legitimate members of the company in need of information
Software vulnerability
software contains hidden bugs, these bugs can open networks to intruders. Patches are small peirces of software which repare bugs. but exploits are created faster than patches.
What are technical Safegaurds
Identification and authentication, firewalls, malware protection
network security device that monitors traffic to or from your network
Malware Protection
Instaling anti virus and anti spyware programs, frequent comuter scans, install software updates
Digital certificate
Data file used to establish the identity of users and electronic assets for protection of online transactions Uses a trusted third party, certification authority (CA), to validate a user’s identity. CA verifies user’s identity, stores information in CA server, which generates encrypted digital certificate containing owner ID information and copy of owner’s public key
Data Safegaurds
protect databases and other organizational data
Data administration
an organization-wide function develops data policies
enforce data standards
Database administration
particular database function procedures for multi-user processing Encryption keysprotection of database
Encryption keys
are used with Encryption algorithm/ciphers to protect data
Backup copies
Store off-premise, Check validity
Physical security
Lock and control access to facility, Maintain entry log
Third party contracts
Safeguards are written into contracts, Right to inspect premises and interview personnel
Security in the cloud
Firms must ensure providers provide adequate protection, meets the Service level agreements (SLA), and complies with SOC2
What is MIS audit?
Examines a firm’s overall security level, reviews technologies, procedures, and documentation, and may stimulate disasters in order to test response. assesses financial and organisational impact of threats.
Risk assessment
determines the levels of risk if an activity is not properly controlled. Takes into account: the type of threat, probability of occurrence, potential loss, expected annual loss
Software metrics
bjective assessments of system in form of quantified measurements such as: Number of transactions, Online response time, Payroll checks printed per hour, Known bugs per hundred lines of code
Review of specification or design document by small group of qualified people
Process by which errors are eliminated
First mover vs fast follwers
first movers: inventors of disruptive technologies. Fast followers: firms with the size and resources to captalize on that technology
What are disruptive technologies
Technology that brings about sweeping change to businesses, industries, markets
Agency costs
the costs of managing a firm’s employees
Why does IT flatten organization
since decision-making is pushed down, and Organizations flatten because, in postindustrial societies, authority increasingly relies on knowledge and competence rather than formal positions
What are the four statigies for dealing with competitive forces?
Low-cost leadership, Product differentiation, Focus on market niche, Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy
Low cost leadership
Produce products at a lower price than competitors while enhancing quality and level of service
Product differentiation
enable new products or services, greatly change customer convience and experience