Proportional map
Uses symbols to show frequency of an event.
The relationship between the portion of the earth being studied and the earth as a whole.
Preserves latitude and longitude, distorts more the farther away something is from the equator.
GIS (Geographic Information System)
software that stores layers of data to create overlays on a map.
Goodes interrupted
preserves sizes of areas, distorts proximity relations.
Stimulus diffusion
Where an idea, not the actual trait, is spread.
Hierarchical diffusion
Starts in major nodes of authority, trickles down to medium, and then small cities and towns.
An area that displays significant elements of internal uniformity and external differences from its surrounding areas.
Absolute distance
a measure of the physical space between two locations.
(absolute) the unique physical and /or cultural characteristics of a place.
Cartogram map
Uses statistical data to change shape of territory (the bigger the statistic, the bigger the territory)
Legend Key
Colors, shading, and symbols may be used on a map to explains what the symbols on a map mean.
Isoline map
Continuing lines joining points of same values.
Formal Region
Areas that contain similar traits, easily defined, an area of near uniformity.
Nodal Region
Functional /Nodal region= Created by the central point /node, dependent on that point.
visually represents a real- world feature on a map, working the same way as other forms of symbols do.