Unit One test Study Guide APHG

Map Projections

  1. Robinson= Preserves curvature of globe, distorts higher latitudes, and has no right angles. Is used represent spatial relationships

  2. Mercator= Preserves latitude and longitude, distorts more the farther away something is from the equator. Used for navigation and by ship’s captains

  3. Azimuthal/Polar/Planar= Preserves distance, distorts by only showing 1 hemisphere. Used by pilots

  4. Goodes/interrupted= preserves sizes of areas, distorts proximity relations. Is used because it increases lobes, decreases distortion.

Types of maps

  1. Thematic map=

    Choropleth map= Shows averages with shading. Often used by news people and for political maps

    Isoline map= Continuing lines joining points of same values. Is often used by weather-people. Is hard to read if you have two unconnected areas of the same qualities.

    Dot map= Represents qualities and/or occurrences by a dot-legend. Is good for showing areas without covering up boundaries, but can cause maps to look like blobs

    Cartogram map= Uses statistical data to change shape of territory (the bigger the statistic, the bigger the territory). Is good for showing areas of inequalities, but can be hard to read due to distortion of said areas.

    Proportional map= Uses symbols to show frequency of an event. Is good for emphasizing areas of higher ranges, but can be hard to read, due to symbols covering up area’s lines.

  2. Political map=Depict government/official borders

  3. Physical map=map type that shows the geology of an area

  4. Mental map= Images of an area developed by an individual on the basis of information/impressions

Map Features

  1. Scale= The relationship between the portion of the earth being studied and the earth as a whole

  2. Symbols= visually represents a real-world feature on a map, working the same way as other forms of symbols do.

  3. Legend/Key=Colors, shading and symbols may be used on a map to explains what the symbols on a map mean

  4. Maps Lie= By using symbols, colors, and positions to hide bits of information

Geographic Tools

  1. GIS (Geographic Information System)= software that stores layers of data to create overlays on a map

  2. GPS (Global Positioning System)= Navigation system, uses satellites

  3. Remote sensing= Collects data from satellites or high flying planes about earth’s surface


  1. Absolute Location= Identification by coordinates, exact location

  2. Relative Location= a position in relation to that of other places or activities

  3. Absolute distance= a measure of the physical space between two locations

  4. Relative Distance= A special form of measurement used in geography to elaborate on a number of societal factors

  5. Absolute Direction= relative to a fixed frame of reference and always point in the same direction, regardless of their location

  6. Relative Direction= direction relative to where something else is

  7. Site= (absolute) the unique physical and/or cultural characteristics of a place

  8. Situation= External relations of a locale. Relationship to things around it.


  1. Region= An area that displays significant elements of internal uniformity and external differences from its surrounding areas

  2. Region’s Purpose= To make the variable world easy to understand, organize, analyze, and compare.

  3. Region’s characteristics= Location (relative and absolute location), Spatial extent (definite territories with a uniform set of features), boundaries, hierarchically arranged (all equally recognized, exist as part of a group)

  4. Formal Region= Contains similar traits, easily defined, an area of near uniformity. Ex) WJCC schools, Latin America)

  5. Functional/Nodal Region= Created by the central point/node, dependent on that point. Ex)city and surrounding suburbs, news stations such as wavy news and wavy news 10)

  6. Perceptual Region= Mental map divisions, reflects feelings and impressions. Ex) mental map, the south

  7. Vernacular Region= The people living inside a region view themselves as the people outside of that region do. Ex) the south, the west, the Northwest, Florida people


  1. Relocation=Trait that spreads as people move, bringing the trait with them.

  2. Expansion= Traits spreads by passing from one person to another via communication

    Contagious= Rapid and widespread. Places near origin/hearth effected first.

    Hierarchical= Starts in major nodes of authority, trickles down to medium, and then small cities and towns.

    Stimulus= Where an idea, not the actual trait, is spread.
