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Name some places the effects of electromagnetism may be seen.
horseshoe magnets, electromagnets, electric motos, compass, transformers, aurora borealis
__________ is a force; the field is _________ near the source & ________ with distance.
Magnetism; strongest; diminishes
Only some substances possess intrisic _______ ______; the most common is ________.
magnetic behavior; iron
Magnetism (like electricity) is _______.
Any object that is magnetic has a ________ and a __________ ________.
north; south pole
When a bar magnet is cut in half, you get ____ ______ ________.
2 similar magnets
Magnetism arises out of the arrangment of ___________ in an _________ atom & is intrinsic to that element.
Electrons; iron
___________ are small bundles of atoms sticking together in a magnetic alignment.
Domains in nonmagnetic substances point in _____ ___________ canceling each other’s effect on a nonmagnetic field.
all directions
If a solid is subjected to a strong outside magnetic field, most of the domains will _______ _______ with the external field & the solid becomes a ________.
line up; magnet
______ _______ do not last forever. The ________ will jiggle back into a _____ _______.
bar magnets; domain; random orientation
A ____________ is a small permanent magnet that can rotate about an axis.
___________ completed experiments with magnetism & its relationship to electricity.
________ discovered that the lines of a magnetic field generated by an electric current flowing through a wire form _______ ____ about the wire.
Oersted; concentric circles
The field of a magnet held near a wire carrying a current iwll interact with the field _______ __ __________.
generated by current
A stationary electric field does not interact with _____ _______ __________ & no _______ is generated if the electrons move ______ _____ with the magnetic field.
stationary magnetic fields; force; in line
An electromotive force is generated only if a charged particle moves _____ the magnetic field.
The magnitude of an electromotive force is proportional to the _____ of the _________ _______ & to the ________ __ ________ passing through it.
strength; magnetic field; amount of current
________ and ___________ independently produced an electric current by moving a magnet up & down through a coil of wire.
Henry; Faraday
________ ________ is generating a current by either moving a magnet perpendicular to a wire or by moving the wire perpendicular to the magnetic field.
Electromagnetic Induction
__________ discovered that the electrical energy can be converted to mechanical work.
_______ & _______ discovered that mechanical energy can induce electrical current.
Henry & Faraday
The discoveries of Henry & Faraday paved the way for _________, ________ ______, _________ ________.
electromagnets, electric motors, electric generators
T or F: Permanent magnets are preferred over electromagnets.
________ generate magnetic fields from electric currents.
Coiling a wire in the shape of a loop produces a field the same shape as a ______ _________.
Bar-magnetic field
In an electromagnet the strenght of the field is directly proportional to the _______.
___________ is constructed by coiling a wire around iron & connecting the wire coils to a DC source.
________ are more versatile than permanent magnets.
Electric motors were first constructed by __________.
Electric motors have only one moving part which is a ______________.
central shaft containing wire coils
In motors, a rotating loop rubs against stationary contacts. This causes the ___________ ________ or __________ to wear out after a while & must be replaced.
rubbing parts; bushings
When a motor is started, a spinning coil does mechanical work & generates electricity. Therefore, every motor is a __________.
________ ________ is the voltage resisting the flow of electrons into a motor.
electromotive force
_________ ________ is the force in a generator opposing an applied mechanical force.
motor effect
List the 4 fundamental physical forces in the universe:
Electromagnetism, gravitation, & 2 forces holding atomic nuclei together
List the inherent properties of matter:
Electromagnetism & gravitation
T or F: All chemical forces are strong & very noticeable.
What the charge on a proton?
What is the charge on an electron?
__________ travel rapidly if brought near a positively charged particle.
T or F? The area around a charge does not affect other charged bodies.
If a field is represented by lines: Where the lines are close, the field is _______. Where the lines are father apart, the field is _______. In general, the field of force ________ as you move from the charged body.
intense; weaker; diminishes
Any charged particle whether moving or stationary, generates a ________ ___ ________.
field of force
___________ ______ = constant (charge on A) (charge on B) / (distance between the charges)²
Electrical Force
___________ is the standard unit of charge; equals the charge carried by 6.24×10^18 electrons. MKS system.
_________ is a smaller unit of charge in the CGS system.
Electrical charges are __________ or _________.
attractive or repulsive
Like charges ________ one another.
____________ resist the movement of charge in them; do not allow free movement of electrons.
_________ allow movement of charges in them.
Give 3 examples of an insulator:
plastic, rubber, air
Give an example of a conductor:
The _________ of a material is a measure of its ability to carry electrical current
T or F? There is no such thing as a perfect insulator nor conductor.
__________ ______ is a series of pushes in the form of energy.
Electric field
_________ _________ is one directional movement of electrons.
Direct current
______________ _________ current moves one way a small distance, then comes back to the center, then it moves the other way and back to the center again.
Alternating current
______________ in metals carry current.
___________ in solution carry current.
___________ unit of measurement (MKS) for electrical potential that is measured with respect to some other point.
___________ is the CGS measurement for electrical potential.
__________ is equal to electric potential times charge.
________ ________ equals one volt times one coulomb
One joule
_________________ tells us nothing about the movement of the current.
____________ is a description of the electrical potential of a system.
___________ is a path or flow of electrical current.
__________ is the MKS unit for measuring current.
___________ is the movement of one coulomb of charge past a given point in one second.
1 amp = 1 __________ = 6.24×10^18 electrons/second
__________ is the CGS unit for current
Stat Amp
See notes for electric symbols for the following:
Battery, Capacitor, Coil, Fuse, Ground, Receptacle, Resistor, Switch, Transformer, AC Source
_________ __________ inhibit the flow of current and cause heat build up.
electrical resistors
__________ is the MKS unit for resistance.
_________ is the CGS unit for resistance.
___________ are metals cooled to extremely low temperatures (-270 C) causing the resistance to decrease sharply; causes an easy flow of electrons.
_______ get hot.
___________ the voltage drop across a resistor is equal to the current X resistance or V=IR. Be able to work a problem with Ohm’s law.
Ohm’s Law
________ and ___________ can be converted to heat or work.
electrical and mechanical energy
_______ is generated when an electrical current is passed through a resistor & _________ _____ is generated when an electric current is passed through.
Heat; mechanical work
__________ is energy divided by time.
List the power units:
Watt=1 joule/sec Kilowatt = 1000 watts
________ is current X voltage or IV.
_______ is the push X the amount being pushed around.
A circuit with ________ ___________ carries more current than does a circuit with high resistance.
low resistance
Low resistance allows a high flow of current and causes a __________ _________.
short circuit
Among the wires that come from an outside pole to your house, ______ are hot wired with ________ __________. The third wire is the ________ _________ & is maintained at ________ volts (connected to the ground).
two; alternating current; ground zero;??
Wall sockets operate at ________.
110 volts
Wall sockets are wired with one ________ and one _________ wire.
hot; ground
Some large pieces of equipment & require _________ volts & need both ________ and a ground wire.
220 volts; hot
In a typical house, each wire is wired ________ so when a fuse is blown, there is a short circuit or a broken wire in one area does not affect all areas of the house.
You buy _________ to push electrons around from power companies not the _________ themselves.
energy; electrons
What are 2 types of circuits?
Simple, parallel
Which type of circuit has an advantage in household wiring in that there is always one unbroken wire leading to others from the outlet so one can plug into it while leaving the others vacant.
parallel circuit
In this type of circuit, the disadvantage is that if any outlet along the line is unused, there is a break in the wire & the electricy cannot pass through it.
series circuit
In a ________ _________, the power output of any appliance is dependent upon the other resistors in the line & changes drastically.
series circuit
As you add more resistors to a ______________ circuit, total current decreases.
As you add more resistors to a __________ circuit, the total current increases.
_________ is a device with a metal strip making an electrical connection between 2 points in a wire; it keeps the wire from becoming too hot & causing a fire.
Good power tools have _________ wires leading from them.