Homestead Strike of 1892, violent strike between Carnegie’s Steel Plants in Homestead, Pennsylvania and the Amalgamated Association of iron and steel plant workers
What was one of the most publicized conflicts between Corporations and Laborers in the era?
Independence and economic security from corporate tyrants
What was the idea of freedom for laborers in the period?
Farmer’s Alliance
This alliance was one of the largest movement in the 19th century and was founded in Texas in the 1870s to help remedy the farmer’s conditions and quickly spread to 43 states by the 1890s.
Populist Party
The _________ ______ appealed to miners, producing classes, some industrialists, but mostly appealed to farmers in the rural west and south.
Populist Party
This party advocated for: direct elections of senators, government control of currency, graduated income tax, low-cost public financing for farmers, regulation of railroads, and recognition of worker’s right to form labor unions.
James Weaver
Who was the Populist Party Candidate for the Election of 1892?
Coxey’s Army
In 1894, the _______ _____ lead by Ohio businessman Jacob Coxey, marched to Washington DC to demand economic relief. They were dispersed by soldiers deployed by the federal government.
Pullman Strike
In 1894, workers striked in a company-owned town called Pullman, Illinois. In addition, the American Railway Union which represented over 150,000 railroad laborers assisted in the strike resulting in the crippling of national rail services. This strike was known as the ________ ______.
In re Debs
This Supreme Court Case confirmed the sentences of Debs and approved the use of injunctions against striking labor unions.
Republican Party
Industrialist workers voted for this party because they enjoyed the idea of raising tariffs in order to better their own pay and restore prosperity from foreign labor and goods.
Willian Bryan
Who was the Democrat’s and Populist’s Presidential Nominee for the 1896 Election. This candidate advocated for the use of the silver standard.
William McKinley
Who was the Republican’s Presidential Candidate for the 1896 Election? This candidate advocated for higher tariffs.
New South
Atlanta Editor Henry Grady promoted the ___ _____ in the 1880s, a vision of industrial expansion and agricultural diversification
black; white
A higher percentage of _____ women worked compared to ______ women.
Kansas Exodus
Between 1879-1880, thousands of African Americans migrated to this state looking for better opportunities and freedom, enticed by individuals such as Benjamin “Pap” Singleton who promoted this state as an opportunity for rural growth. This event was known as the _______ _______.
Black could easily move North and find better opportunities there then staying in the South.
Booker T. Washington
Who made the Atlanta Compromise speech and promoted African Americans to abandon the civil rights campaign and instead focus on skilled labor and independence instead?
True or False. Between 1890 and 1906, every southern state had enacted some form of law to eliminate black voting.
True or False. Disenfranchisement was used to purify politics and disallow blacks from voting but it also removed voting rights from whites as well.
Civil Rights Act of 1875
In 1883, the Supreme Court overturned ______________________________ because the 14th amendment only applied for federal and state authorities but not private business.
Plessy v Ferguson
This Supreme Court case gave approval for state law to segregate facilities based on race citing that “segregation was separate but equal”
Execution with a Mob
What was Lynching?
Lost Cause
Many white southerners memorialized the Civil War as what has become known as the _____ _______. Saying that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery but rather a brotherly fight with justifications on both the Union and Confederate side over some disagreements.
race suicide
This term is used to describe the extinction of a race and used by critics of immigration to warn about the declining birth-rate among native-born “Anglo-Saxons”
Immigration Restriction League
This group was formed in 1894 and created distinctions between “new” and “old” immigrants, and advocated to bar illiterate immigrants from immigrating into the United States.
True or False. A law was successfully instated under President Grover Cleveland in 1897 that barred illiterate from immigrating into the United States.
Australian Ballot
Nearly every state in the 1890s implemented this in order to eliminate undesirable voters by keeping ballots anonymous and private while also refusing assistance to illiterate voters.
True or False. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 barred Chinese women from immigrating into the country in order to prevent prostitutes from entering the country.
Tape v Hurley
This California Supreme Court Case ordered the city and state government to admit and enroll Chinese Students. The State Government retaliated by creating segregated Chinese-exclusive schools.
Yick Wo v Hopkins
This US Supreme Court Case granted Chinese individuals legal rights. The case ordered the City of San Francisco to grant business licenses to Chinese Americans.
US v Wong Kim Ark
This US Supreme Court Case approved the deportation of Chinese aliens without due process of law. This would later be used by the Court to uphold a law barring anarchists from entering the United States.
American Federation of Labor
This group came after the Knights of Labor and followed a new standard of negotiations, following the footsteps of Brooker T. Washington and avoiding confrontations with corporate leaders. This group was restricted to only skilled laborers and only dominated small-industries that were less competitive.
Women’s Christian Temperance Movement
Founded in 1874. This group was the largest women movement of the era and advocated for prohibition initially before advocating for women suffrage and civil rights.
The Influence of Sea Power upon History
This book was created by a Naval Officer and convinced the Secretary of State at the time, James G Blaine, to urge President Benjamin Harrison into acquiring Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Cuba as Naval Strategic Bases.
True or False. In 1893, a rebellion made by American planters to remove Queen Liliuokalani, succeeded when President Harrison signed annexation creating the territory of Hawaii.
Yellow Press
This slang was used to describe patriotic publications by the media and was named after the color which The New York Journal’s comic strips were printed with.
Spanish-American War
This war started after the war for independence against Spain in Cuba and saw US intervention following the “Accidental” sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor.
Teller Amendment
This was adopted by Congress in order to assure Cuba of the United State’s sole goal of humanitarian intention in the Spanish-American War and states specifically that the United States had no intentions of annexing or dominating the island of Cuba.
Charge Up San Juan Hill
The ______ __ ___ ___ ___ was the most publicized battle in the entire war and made Theodore Roosevelt a war hero after his charge and assisted in his election as the governor of New York and his position as Vice-President under President McKinley.
Platt Amendment
This agreement was forced onto the Cuban Government and allowed the United States to militarily intervene at any moment they saw fit and saw the creation of a naval base of what is now Guantanamo Bay .
Open Door Policy
This policy was created by Secretary of State, John Hay, and demanded that European powers grant the United States equal access to China with American Exports.
True or False. The Philippines War was justified by President McKinley as a way to “uplift and civilize and Christianize” the Filipino population.
Insular Territory
This special sub-type of territory was used to label the Puerto Rico territory under the Forsaker Act of 1900, preventing it’s citizens from becoming official United States citizens and preventing it from being an official state.
Insular Cases
This series of Supreme Court Cases decided that the Constitution did not fully apply to the insular territories, however also declared that Congress must recognize the fundamental rights of residents in these territories but would allow Congress to govern them as they see fit indefinitely.
Anti-Imperialist League
This group were opponents of imperialism and published Liberty Tracts, warning that an empire was incompatible with liberty and democracy.
William McKinley
Who won the presidential election of 1900?