LDSP 210 Exam 1

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To go forth or die

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Holding Environment

container that fosters growth. "the nursery"

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Making meaning? choosing your response

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What is a GOOD holding environment? (Frankl)

he had to grow within in the camp, created humor, and entertainment

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What is the NEGATIVE (bad) holding environment in Frankl?

hygiene, mentality, "What would wipe down the mold"

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What was the main theme in Video 1 Frankl?

Overestimate vs. being realistic

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Video 1 facts (frankl)

Being too realistic leads to despair Idealistic- reach for society vs. Seep fulfilling prophies

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Leit in relation to Frankl

the guard risked his life to enter the hut to give Frankl a warning.

" IN spite of strict orders, he smuggled himself into our hut. If you want to stay alive look fit for work. Remember to shave, stand and walk smartly, and you will not need to be afraid of gas."

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What is Critical Thinking?

Thinking clearly, and in detail

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International Framework (HGC)

  1. leaders (personality, position expertise)

  2. Followers ( norms, cohesive, etc.)

  3. Situation ( tasks, stress, environment, etc.)

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HGC 3 main points are:

  1. Leadership is a process

  2. Leadership is 1 of 3 components

  3. leadership is enter twined with followership

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According to Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy, leadership is a _____________shared by everyone in a group

Social Influence Process

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Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy argue that leadership is a "complex _________ involving the leader, the followers, and the situation."


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According to Hugh, Ginnett, and Curphy, _________ is defined as the capacity to produce effects or the potential to influence.


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according to HGC leadership is..

"the process of influencing an organized group toward accomplishing its goals"

  1. Both Art and Science

  2. Rational, Emotional

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According to HGC leadership is not...

  1. The same as management

  2. What all myths says that it is

  • leaders are born not made

  • not all leaders come from hard knocks

  • good leadership is all common sense

  1. a solo act

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How does HGC relate to Frankl?

Life and Death situation

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How does the story in HGC about the Andes mountain crash relate to leit?

They had to fight and go on expeditions to fight for their lives in harsh conditions.

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What are the Followership styles? (HGC)

Alienated conformist pragmatic passive exemplary

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What is an alienated follower?

point out all of the negative aspects of the organization to others ex: squidward

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What is an conformist follower?

The "yes" people of the organizations. Very active at doing organizations work ex: seagulls from finding nemo "mine" ex: copy and paste people

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What is a pragmatic follower?

Rarely is committed to their groups work goals, but they have learned to not make waves. They do not like to stick out (Mediocre)

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What is a passive follower?

Rely on the leader to do all the thinking. There work lacks enthusiasm. Some times passive followers adopt to this so they do not have to speak up. Ex: Patrick from SpongeBob

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What is an exemplary follower?

Consistent picture to both leaders and co-workers of being independent, innovative and willing to stand up to their superiors. They apply their talents for the benefit of the organization ex: lightening McQueen

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IN Snook what are the 3 capacities cadets must develop to become leaders of character?

  1. Moral sensitivity

  2. Moral Judgement

  3. Moral Courage

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What is an Allegory (Plato)

Story that has a deeper meaning

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What was the allegory in plato?

Going out into the new world was knowledge and being locked in the cave was ignorance

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What would life be like without philosophy? (Plato)

without philosophy people would not question anything. There would be no growth, you can have a better understanding of what people are saying.

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Relate Plato to Frankl

Philosophy gives us meaning. Frankl's philosophy was to find meaning in a life or death situation

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What does it mean to be a leader? (Plato)

What risks do you have to take?

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Frankl structures his memoir around 2 main points

  1. what sets humans apart is "searching for meaning"

  2. You always have a choice as to your response

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What 2 main points to know about women and leadership (HGC)

  1. the narrow brand of acceptability is a leader/ follower dynamic that constrains women and other minorities

  2. The glass cliff is a slippery slope

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In Snook what were the 3 main words

Be, know, do

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