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dignostic 7 statistical manual of mental disorders
ways of explaining MI
supernatural, biological, psychological
supernatural views
trephining (drill hole in skull, release spirits)
biological views
wandering uterus
imbalanced humors (hippocrates)
psychological views
before DSM
multiple different diagnostic systems & confusions
starting point of talking therapy
caused by fluis imbalances
the good
increase public awareness
help in prognosis, prevention & guide treatment
the bad
comorbity (ind w/ 2+ disorders)
random cut-offs (symptoms, time, age)
easy to be dignosed & become a label
categories dont best reflect diagnosis
the ugly
DSM ppl have ties to big pharma is a conflict of interest
reliability isn’t good enough
long term meds changes the brain
treatment planning steps
establish goals
determine treatment site
find best approach for treatment
evaluate outcome
immediate goal
is ind a threat to self/others?
short-term goals
rapport, alliance stablization
long-term goals
point of therapy
emil kraeplin
biology & genetics cause mental disorders
“founder” of psychiatry
diagnosis labels used based on symptoms
carthatic method
explain trauma, cry, feel release
freud picked up on this
hypnosis, “talking cure”
DSM includes
dysfunction, distress, disability
MI is a disease
1st mention of unconcious
st mary of london aslyum
poorly watched, understaffed
ppl paid to watch the “show”
bejamin rush
MI caused by bio & social factors
preached radical change
rush’s radical change
seperate wards
occupational therapy
bleeding & purging
dorthea dix
focused on better hospital enviornment
mental hygiene movement
increase staff & promote pyschial well-being
phrenology reading
setting stage to neuroscience