William IV
Who took the throne after George IV died?
Extended the right to vote to the middle class; middle class grew
What accomplishments did William IV make during his reign?
Population rising, fewer diseases, scientific advancements, agricultural way of life decreases
What was occurring around the country during the romantic period?
Peterloo Massacre
What was the peaceful protest that started outside a factory but turned violent when the police came?
600 injured; 11 killed
How many people were injured and killed in the Peterloo Massacre?
The “Bobby’s”
What is the nickname for the London police force that was created?
Robert Peel
Who created the London Police force?
Small Pox vaccine, coal first used as a fuel source, transportation (the railway system)
What were the firsts during the Romantic Period?
Edward Jenner
Who created the small pox vaccine?
Men’s magazines: Men became more conscience of their outward apperance, canned food created
What were the advancements in food and fashion during the Romantic Period?
Music becomes source of entertainment (opera), Royal Arts Academy started in London, first library occurred
What were the advancements in arts and entertainment during the Romantic period?
Magazines and Newspapers
What were the popular forms of literature to read during the Romantic Period?
Essays, London politics, culture, philosophy, novels
What were the popular forms of literature to write about during the Romantic Period?
Romantic: an idealistic type of writing
What type of philosophy was written about during the Romantic Period?
Frankenstein, Ivanhoe, Emma
What were some famous novels written during the Romantic Period?
What did Frankenstein by Mary Shelley emphasize?
William Blake
Who was known as a visionary by his contemporaries?
William Blake
Who worked as an engraver?
William Blake
Who had his friends help him print his first collection of poems: political sketches?
William Blake
Who produced most of his books of poetry by hand, adding illustrations?
Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence, and Experience
What did William Blake write?
Robert Burns
Who was Scottish and worked with a friend to collect, edit, and write lyrics for many Scottish tunes?
Robert Burns
Who was most famous for songwriting and poetry?
Robert Burns
Who wrote during a time when British government was trying to suppress Scottish patriotism through restricting freedoms?
“To a Mouse,” Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect
What did Robert Burns write?
Mary Wollstonecraft
Who worked as a schoolteacher and governess?
Mary Wollstonecraft
Who’s most famous work, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, was controversial and placed her as the founder of the women’s rights movement in England?
Mary Wollstonecraft
Who was the mother of Mary Shelley?
William Wordsworth
Who insisted that his poetry should express deep feelings about everyday experiences?
William Wordsworth
Who believed in the connection both with man and nature?
William Wordsworth
Who was separated from his siblings after the death of his parents?
“The World is Too Much with Us,” “My heart Leaps Up,” and “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey”
What did William Wordsworth write?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Who was plagued with rheumatism throughout his life; too opium to ease his pain?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Who was influenced greatly by William Wordsworth?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Who was the greatest literary critic of his age?
“Kubla Khan” and The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner
What did Samuel Taylor Coleridge write?
Mary Shelley
Who wrote her novel Frankenstein at age 18?
Mary Shelley
Who was married to another writer named Percy Bysshe Shelley?
George Gordon
Who was an aristocrat, member of Parliament, and freedom fighter
George Gordon
Who was plagued by personal scandal?
George Gordon
Who became a national hero in Greece?
Lord Byron
What name does George Gordon also go by? (his formal title)
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage and “She Walks in Beauty”
What did George Gordon write?
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Who was bullied during their school years and was expelled from college for writing and disturbing a pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism?
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Who was friends with Lord Byron and married Mary Shelley after his first wife died, but society considered him immoral?
John Keats
Who studied medicine after being pulled out of school early?
John Keats
Who began writing poetry at 21?
John Keats
Who contracted tuberculosis and died at age 26?
“Ode on a Grecian Urn”
What did John Keats write?
Jane Austin
Who wrote Emma?
Sir Walter Scott
Who wrote Ivanhoe?