Computing - semester 1

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3 example of input devices

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3 example of input devices

Keyboard, Mouse, Microphone

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3 examples of output devices

monitor, speakers, printer

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What is a general term for input and output devices


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What does CPU stand for (what else is it known as)

Central Processing Unit also known as a microprocessor

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What does RAM stand for

Random Access Memory

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What does BIOS stand for

Basic Input/Output System

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What is the role of BIOS

It's the memory that tells the computer what to do when it starts up

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Why is it important for computers to keep memory when they are turned off

So that they know how to start up again and that they keep the memory stored on them for the future.

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What does ROM stand for

Read Only Memory

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1 type of removable storage

USB stick

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What is the role of a hardrive

Where files are stored permanently as a permanent part of the computer even when the computer is turned off

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How is data stored on a CD-ROM

Stored by laser dents that have been burnt onto it

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What type of device is used to read data from a CD

A laser reader writer that is used to read the dent and highs and lows

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How does RAM work

It has a structure with many holes where one byte is stored and the CPU can access certain holes via an address.

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What is serial access and how does it compare to random access

When you chronologically search for something one by one not moving on until you look at the one before, RAM is much quicker

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How many bits in a byte


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How many bytes in a megabyte

1 million

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How many bytes in a gigabyte

1 billion

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What is the basic function of the CPU

It can do basic maths and organises everything. It is mainly for completing tasks and instructions set out.

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Why do we have the internet

so that we can communicate, do work and entertain ourselves.

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What is the internet

The internet is a system of worldwide communication where anyone can access

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What does it mean to data stored in the cloud

Is a mode of computer data storage where digital data is stored in an off-site location

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How is a video uploaded in the USA seen in Australia

The video is uploaded to youtube's servers and then anyone who has access to the server can access the videos

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Can deleted pictures be found again

Deleted pictures can be found because anything uploaded is now history and the compaines store their history in their servers.

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What is binary code

a coding system using the binary digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or other character

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What are the 3 physical stystems built to send messages with pros and cons

Electricity - pro- cheap, con - signal loss

Light - pro - really fast with no signal loss, con - expensive and hard to work with

Radio - pro - totally mobile, con - short range

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What is the order of binary digits from smallest to 128


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What are clients

computers set up to access services through the internet

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What are routers

devices which help information get to where it needs to be across theinternet

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What are servers

computers set up to provide internet services

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What does an oval mean in flowcharts


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What does an rectangle mean in flowcharts

Task, action or process

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What does an diamond mean in flowcharts

Decision or condition

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What does a tilted rectangle/parallelogram mean in flowcharts


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What does a line mean in flowcharts

Flow line

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What is encryption

The process of converting data into an unreadable form of text

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What is decryption

The process of converting data in an unreadable form of text back to its original form

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What is a Caesar cipher?

A substitution cipher that shifts characters a certain number of positions in the alphabet

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How do you get more difficult encryption

Increasing the length of the digit key

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How do companies use data

Websites track the data you input to target content at you like advertising

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What can companies do in their terms and conditions

Can make you accept them using your videos and photos for other media

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How can connecting computers into networks introduce new vulnerabilities

With such a large internet we have to downsize on the amount of sercurity.

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What are some ways computers can be compromised

Records with personal information can be leaked allwoing for people to steal identities.

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What can we do to protect our own privacy online

Change passowords regularly, block online trackers, use a VPN

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What is threat modeling

It is a process of creating a guard against threats tailored to you.

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What is artifical intelligence

the ability of machines to perform tasks that are typically associated with human intelligence.

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What are 2 positive and negitives of AI

Positives -

We can connect with the world further than our senses

We can use computers to work with challenges we have never faced before


It can be equipped with human intuition and can approximate human intuition.

The machines can improve themselves, they could control us

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List 1 way AI can solve issues in our society

Agriculture - can track and moniter regular crop growth with weather patterns to make farming more efficent

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What are the ethics of using AI

privacy, copyright, accountability, employment, autonomy, and human rights.

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What is the Internet of Things

It is about the physical internet- connected devices connecting to everything in it to share information.

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What are the technologies behind the internet of things

Sensors can pick up physical signals from its surrounding environment

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