Eng. Quiz 2

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16 Terms


ostracized (6)

exclude someone from a society/group

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innumerable (16)

too many to count

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residing (16)

have one’s permanent home in a particular place

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qualms (19)

uneasy feelings of doubt/worry/fear, especially ab one’s own conduct; misgivings

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crude (23)

(of language/behavior/person) offensively coarse/rude

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rostrum (23)

raised platform on which a person stands to make a public speech/receive an award/medal/ play music/conduct an orchestra

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illiterate (24)

unable to read/write

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sadistic (29)

deriving pleasure from inflicting pain/suffering/humiliation on others

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liberate (39)

free (a country/city/ppl) from enemy occupation

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conceited (44)

excessively proud of oneself/vain

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monotonous (48)

dull/tedious/repititious; lacking in variety/interest

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unscrupulous (52)

having/showing no moral principles; not honest/fair

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pacifist (59)

person who believes that war/violence r unjustifiable

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conscientious (71)

(of a person) wishing to do what is right, especially to do one’s work/duty well/thoroughly

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unanimous (74)

(of an opinion/decision/vote) held/carried by everyone involved

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distinguished (80)

successful/authoritative/commanding great respect

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