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Variations that exist in a population
Phenotype Plasticity
Changes to phenotype in response to environmental stressors
body trying to maintain homeostasis
no genetic change
Individual level change
acclimation, developmental, + behavioral
Increase in frequency of a trait as a result of natural selection
*once it starts it keeps going “adapt + keep up”
True or False:
Adaptation is not temporary and only happens at the population level
How is altitude an example of adaptation
Stressor: hypoxia (lack of oxygen)
increased lung volume (chest shape)
How is altitude an example of pheno plastic changes
Stressor: hypoxia (lack of oxygen)
developmental= slower growth, increased heart + lung capacities
acclimatory= increased erythropoiesis/hemoglobin
behavioral/cultural= oxygen tanks
Bergmann's Rule
Larger objects will lose heat at a slower rate than smaller objects
Larger bodies are built for cold environments, smaller bodies are built for hot environments.
Allen's Rule
Linear objects have greater surface area than more cubic objects of the same volume
more surface area more efficient heat loss
large surface area= dissipates more heat
longer limbs —> more surface area —> more heat loss —> keep cool in hot env.
*vice versa for short limbs (keep warm)
Clinal Variation
Gradual change in trait frequencies over geographic space
ex: blood types
Clinal distributions tend to be impacted by
gene flow
isolation+/or distance
genetic drift
founder effect
sometimes natural selection
ex: smallpox
True or False:
the majority of genetic variation in human populations IS adaptively significant
it is NOT adaptively significant
Non-Binary Sex
Turner syndrome (1X or partial second X) and Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)
occurs during nondisjunction when chromosomes don’t properly separate
(extra 1 or loss of 1)
Modern Synthesis
Population-level frequencies and variation rather than a typology (race checklist)
*”modern world”—> only people currently living are affected
if you had even just one drop of non-white blood you were considered to not be white
Traits showing the same geographic patterns of variation
human variation is NON-concordance
Ex: black people w/ blonde hair
specific categories where you could draw a line of difference
drawing a line on a map for groups w/ specific blood types (can’t do it)
Sickle Cell
High frequency in black populations but also common in Greece, not discrete to a specific race
believed that it’s only tied to black people
Human Genetic Variation
Humans share 99.9% of DNA
90% of genetic variation within groups + 10% between groups.
Isolation-by-Distance Model
the closer you are geographically the more similar you are bound to be versus distance
Out-of-Africa Model
Most genetic diversity in humans is found in Africa and spreads out
Attempts to show discrete differences between groups, but confirmation bias and sampling errors led to flawed results
they don’t always properly sample + therefore can’t always be applied to the general pop.
ignore skulls that don’t fit the set categories
Cultural Variation in Racial Classification
Racial classification changes over time due to social interpretations
Rwandan Genocide
Holocausts: classified Jews based on associated traits
Irish + Italians were first not considered white
Basketball used to be considered a Jewish-dominated sport vs. now
idea that some races have athletic biological advances (GET OUT)
Dangers of Biological Race Concepts
Beliefs about diseases and pain perception can lead to underdiagnosis and unequal treatment
Sickle cell diagnosis (white girl wasn’t thought to be tested cause it considered a black disease)
Cystic fibrosis is believed to be a European thing but found in other races but since hasn’t been studied in other races enough so they are rarely diagnosed
Belief that black people didn’t experience the same degree of pain
An example of culture impacting Biology:
African-Americans w/ higher blood pressure
higher risk for blood pressure +/or heart disease found to be linked to groups who experience discrimination in comparison to those that didn’t experience this
pigment that helps determine skin color
Melanocytes= cells that produce melanin
natural protection from UV rays
Skin color varying by latitude
(distance from the equator)
populations near the equator are more likely to have darker skin versus those farther from it
Hypothesis on Melanin
helps prevent skin cancer
Darker skin—> protection from UV rays —> less risk of skin cancer
*Doesn’t make sense from a selective standpoint
Folic Acid Hypothesis
Melanin protects against low folic acid levels caused by UV rays
birth defects
decreased sperm production
Vitamin D Hypothesis
UV helps with Vitamin D production + nutrient absorption
Deficiencies lead to
increased risk of some infection
+Too much melanin in low UV areas (far from the equator) leads to Vitamin D deficiency