After nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek lost the chinese civil war, where did all his followers go?
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Briefly describe Mahatma Gandhi's early life?
He was a lawyer, traveled to South Africa where he learned about apartheid, he then began a movement that would eventually lead to Indian Independence.
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Compare North and South Korea. How are they different?
north- strict, communist, not very modernized south-modernized, non-communist, technology
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Describe Gandhis reaction to the partition of India.
he didnt like it
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Describe the dynastic cycle
New-posses mandate of heaven and restores order Aging-losing mandate of heaven and control, falling Old-No mandate of heaven, lawlessness, corruption
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Describe the relationship between Dharma and Karma?
By doing your Dharma, you will receive good karma and reincarnate into a better life.
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From whom did Mao ZeDong get his power from?
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How did Deng XiaoPing differ from Mao ZeDong?
mao zedong- communist, great leap forward deng xiaoping- 4 modernizations, introduced capitalism
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How did Mao ZeDong use propaganda?
plays, posters, little red book, promises, brain-washed citizens
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How did the concept of satyagraha make Indias push for independence from an imperialist power make the movement different than other independence movements we studied in class?
it was non-violent
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How does Japans terrain affect its economy today?
It is isolated from the rest of the world due to mountains, islands, and its surrounded by they sea. Also Japan has little natural resources and has to rely mostly on imports.
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How many main islands make up Japan?
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If there are roughly 7 billion people on this planet, and 1.3 billion people are Chinese, then one out of every \_________ people on Earth is Chinese.
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In many ways, the Korean war was the result of a much larger war. Which war preceded the Korean war?
World War 2
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Is Buddha considered a god?
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Mao ZeDong wanted to "redistribute land to the peasants" and have "all people be workers in a classless society". Which goal did he achieve and which goal did he fail?
He achieved redistributing land to peasants but didn't achieve all people working in a classless society.
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Since buddhists believe in equality of all people, which indian institution do they reject?
Caste System
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To which religion is the Ganges river considered holy?
Hindus, they bath in it
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Two large world religions came from india. Which one has stayed mostly in india? Which has spread to many other areas of asia?
Hinduism stayed and Buddhism spread.
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What are the four noble truths?
Ordinary life is full of suffering
Suffering is caused by desire to satisfy ourselfs
The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goods and see ourselves as extentions of others 4)The way to end desire is to follow the middle path
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What are the vedas? To which religion are they sacred?
The sacred books of ancient india, and important to hindus
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What chinese philosophy promotes harmony with nature?
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What determines ones caste?
Family they were born into and level of purity.
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What event(s) ended world war two?
The 2 atomic bombs caused Japan to surrender.
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What imaginary line seperates North and South Korea?
38th parallel
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What is civil disobedience?Provide 2 examples
Salt march and armistar massacre
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What is the ultimate goal of Hindu faith?
Moksha- when the soul unites with Brahman
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What political philopsophy did Mao ZeDong adhere to?
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What type of government rules China today?
Communist, market
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What was gandhis ultimate goal?
Indian independence
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What was Ghandis most famous act of protest? why did he do this?
Salt march, civil disobidience
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What was the intent of the cultural revolution? Was this acheived?
The intent of the cultural revolution was to create a permanent revolution and to acheive the final stage of Communism. This failed because it got out of control and people didnt like what was going on.
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What was the intent of the Great Leap forward?
to modernize china
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What was the mandate of heaven, and how did it influence who ruled in ancient china?
Mandate of heaven was gods blessing to succsessful rule. It affected who ruled in china because whoever claimed the mandate of heaven became the new ruler.
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What was the result of the Great Leap forward? Why did it go wrong? What mistakes were made?
People could not keep up with the expectations of Mao. Many people starved because there wasn't enough food produced
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What was the result of the treaty of nanjing?
British tool control of Hong Kong, controlled ports in china, and qing rulers were forced to sign unequal treaties. This ended the opium war.
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What weather phenomenon has the greatest impact on South Asia? How does it affect the economies of the region?
Monsoons- agriculture is important to the economy and it is vital to the crops that monsoons come on time.
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What were the 2 sides during the chinese civil war? Name the leader of each side.
What were the intended results of the armistre massacre? What were the actual results?
Peaceful protests, hundreds killed.
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Which country fought china in the opium wars?
Great Britian
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Which is the only relationship in Confucianism where people are equal?
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Which leader of North Korea recently died?
Kim Jung Il recently died. Kim Jung Un took over.
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Which region do India and Pakistan still fight over today? How can this be seen as a result of the partion of India?
Kashmir, when british raj lost control during the partition of india they no longer kept peace between india and pakistan, they still have disputes today
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Which social class in india is so low that it is considered outside of the caste system?
dalits or "untouchables"
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Which south asian religion most strongly supports the caste system?
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Who finally defeated the boxers?
20,000 troops from Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan finally defeated the boxers. (William 2, emperor of Germanys)
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Who was the first president of China?
Dr. Sun Yatsen
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Who was the man to become the "Buddha"? briefly describe his life?
Siddhartha Gautama was born into royalty and left everything to become "the Buddha"
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Who were the boxers?
The boxers were chinese rebels that rebelled against foreigners and chinese Christians.
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Why did Commodore Matthew Perry go to Japan? What did he demand?
He went there for trade and demanded that they sign the treaty of Kanagawa.
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Why did the indian soldiers rebel against british officers in the sepoy mutiny?
They had to bite off cartridges greased with pork and beef. Many were vegetarians and were very upset by this.
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Why did the partition of India occur?
British raj no longer had control
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Why was Great Britain so interested in India?
They needed its materials for trade.
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Why were the protesters in Tiananmen Square protesting? What did they want?
they wanted to end communism and create a democracy