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What are the four main stages of the Cell Cycle?
Gap 1, Synthesis, Gap 2, Mitosis
What stages make up Interphase?
Gap 1, Synthesis, Gap 2
Mitosis divides the nucleus. What bonus stage separates the cell membrane?
What happens during Gap 1?
Growth, Normal cell functions, duplication of organelles, Checkpoint #1
What happens during Synthesis?
DNA is copied, Checkpoint #2
What happens during Gap 2?
More growth, Normal cell functions, Checkpoint #3
Why do Prokaryotes divide faster than Eukaryotes?
No organelles. Less DNA
Why do cells divide?
Keeping a good surface area to volume ratio. Reproduction. Replacing damaged cells.
What do checkpoints do?
Kills off cells if they are unhealthy/damaged.
What do we call the DNA while it is in Interphase?
Chromatin, could also say uncoiled or uncondensed
When DNA condenses during mitosis, what do we call it?
What happens during Prophase?
Nuclear envelope disappears, Chromatin condenses into Chromatids
What happens during Metaphase?
Chromatids move to the equator of the cell. Spindle fibers from the centrioles make this happen.
What happens during Anaphase?
The centrioles move the sister chromatids away from each other.
What happens during Telophase?
Two new nuclear envelopes appear and the DNA uncoils back into Chromatin.
How do plant cells differ from animal cells during Cytokinesis?
They form a cell plate instead of pinching in from the middle.
Why is cancer dangerous?
Puts pressure on the surrounding tissues. Steals nutrients from healthy cells. Cancerous cells do not perform the proper functions
How is cancer treated?
Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgical Removal
How does binary fission differ from mitosis?
There is no nucleus to be divided. Single celled organisms divide the DNA, but there is no nucleus.
What are stem cells?
Cells that have yet to differentiate/specialize
What are the three types of Stem cells?
Totipotent: Can divide into any cell type.
Pluripotent: Can divide into most cell types.
Multipotent: Can divide into a few cell types.
What can Stem Cell research cure?
Any disease where there are damaged/missing cells.
Why are some people against Stem Cell research?
Ethical concerns on how the stem cells are attained. Could cause potential issues such as cancer.