Digestive System Med Term

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Surface elevations of the tongue that perceive taste are called: a. rugae. b. buccae. c. papillae. d. chyme. e. stoma.

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Surface elevations of the tongue that perceive taste are called: a. rugae. b. buccae. c. papillae. d. chyme. e. stoma.

c. papillae

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Bile is produced in the: a. pancreas. b. gallbladder. c. stomach. d. liver. e. duodenum.

d. liver

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The structure that lies beneath the hard enamel surface of the tooth is called the: a. dentin. b. gingiva. c. soft palate. d. uvula. e. bolus.

a. dentin

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The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas play a vital role in: a. secreting hormones. b. absorbing water. c. absorbing minerals. d. digestion and absorption of nutrients. e. process of mastication.

d. digestion and absorption of nutrients

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What is an important function of the liver? a. Produces insulin b. Maintains glucose levels in the blood c. Produces thyroxine d. Secretes estrogen e. Secretes testosterone

b. maintains glucose levels in the blood

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What section of the large intestine is associated with the appendix? a. Stomach b. Cecum c. Rectum d. Anus e. Sigmoid colon

b. cecum

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What section of the large intestine is associated with the liver? a. Hepatic flexure b. Ascending colon c. Descending colon d. Sigmoid colon e. Transverse colon

a. hepatic flexure

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Which structure has respiratory and digestive functions? a. Tongue b. Uvula c. Trachea d. Esophagus e. Pharynx

e. pharynx

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The lower esophageal sphincter is also known as the: a. pyloric sphincter. b. fundus. c. cardiac sphincter. d. longitudinal folds. e. longitudinal sphincter.

c. cardiac sphincter

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Fingerlike projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients into the bloodstream are called: a. villi. b. omenta. c. gingivae. d. stomata. e. papillae.

a. villi

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Which is an accessory organ of digestion? a. Stomach b. Colon c. Ileum d. Liver e. Spleen

d. liver

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The progressive, wavelike movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body is called: a. perineum. b. periosteum. c. peristalsis. d. anastomosis. e. stomatosis.

c. peristalsis

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Mucosal folds in the stomach wall are called: a. sphincters. b. fundi. c. villi. d. rugae. e. papillae.

d. rugae

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Blood proteins, such as prothrombin, are produced by the: a. pancreas. b. cystic duct. c. pylorus. d. stomach. e. liver.

e. liver

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When bile is needed for digestion, the gallbladder releases it into the duodenum through the: a. lymph duct. b. venous duct. c. common bile duct. d. pancreatic duct. e. hepatic duct.

c. common bile duct

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The combining form (CF) proct/o means: a. colon. b. small intestine. c. appendage. d. anus, rectum. e. duodenum.

d. anus, rectum

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The CF cholecyst/o means: a. gallstone. b. gallbladder. c. bile vessel. d. bile duct. e. bladder swelling.

b. gallbladder

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The CF choledoch/o means: a. bile vessel. b. gallbladder. c. bladder duct. d. bile duct. e. hepatic duct.

d. bile duct

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The CFs col/o and colon/o mean: a. stomach. b. small intestine. c. colon. d. appendices. e. rectum.

c. colon

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The CFs or/o and stomat/o mean: a. teeth. b. mouth. c. opening. d. tongue. e. throat.

b. mouth

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The CF odont/o means: a. teeth. b. gum(s). c. lip. d. mouth. e. tongue.

a. teeth

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The CF cholangi/o means: a. bile vessel. b. bile duct. c. bile drainage. d. bile structure. e. bile tumor.

a. bile vessel

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The CF chol/e means: a. liver secretion. b. pancreatic production. c. gallbladder secretion. d. gallbladder drainage. e. bile, gall.

e. bile, gall

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The suffix -emesis means: a. swallowing. b. ingestion. c. blood condition. d. digestion. e. vomiting.

e. vomiting

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The suffix -prandial means: a. enlargement. b. meal. c. vomit. d. gall. e. expansion.

b. meal

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The suffix -pepsia means: a. anorexic. b. eating, swallowing. c. digestion. d. meal. e. appetite.

c. digestion

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The suffix -orexia means: a. disease. b. digestion. c. swallowing. d. appetite. e. discharge.

d. appetite

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The suffix -rrhea means: a. discharge, flow. b. eating. c. vomiting. d. through, across. e. disease.

a. discharge, flow

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The prefix dia- means: a. through, across. b. in front. c. beside. d. in back. e. behind.

a. through, across

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The prefix peri- means: a. upon. b. across. c. behind. d. in front. e. around.

e. around

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What does the term congenital hernia mean? a. Hernia caused during puberty b. Hernia present because of obstruction c. Hernia present at birth d. Hernia caused by infection e. Hernia present in pregnant women

c. hernia present at birth

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When the blood supply to a herniated structure is cut off, the hernia is said to be: a. anemic. b. strangulated. c. congenital. d. inguinal. e. umbilical.

b. strangulated

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An ulcer that produces a hole in the stomach wall is known as what kind of ulcer? a. Acute b. Chronic c. Pyloric d. Perforated e. Congenital

d. perforated

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General lack of nutrition and wasting occurring in the course of a chronic disease is called: a. bulimia. b. dyspepsia. c. enteritis. d. cachexia. e. diverticulosis.

d. cachexia

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Which term means foul-smelling breath? a. Halitus b. Ascites c. Deglutition d. Cachexia e. Halitosis

e. halitosis

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The word eupepsia refers to: a. difficult digestion. b. rapid digestion. c. abnormally slow digestion. d. normal digestion. e. digestive disorders.

d. normal disgestion

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also known as: a. borborygmus. b. spastic colon. c. colonalgia. d. colonic irrigation. e. coloptosis.

b. spastic colon

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Difficult or painful swallowing is called: a. borborygmus. b. dysphagia. c. cachexia. d. dyspepsia. e. regurgitation.

b. dysphagia

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What is the disorder that causes telescoping of the intestine? a. Intestinal ballooning b. Intussusception c. Diverticulosis d. Volvulus e. Hernial enteroscopy

b. intussusception

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Downward displacement of internal organs is called: a. visceropexy. b. Crohn disease. c. ascites. d. visceroptosis. e. borborygmus.

d. visceroptosis

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Protrusion of an organ through the wall that normally contains it is called: a. reflux. b. perforation. c. volvulus. d. diverticulosis. e. hernia.

e. hernia

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What is a life-threatening obstruction in which the bowel twists on itself? a. Volvulus b. Intussusception c. Ischemia d. Peritonitis e. Hernia

a. vovulus

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A gastric ulcer is also known as a(n): a. duodenal ulcer. b. esophageal ulcer. c. hepatic ulcer. d. cystic ulcer. e. peptic ulcer.

e. peptic ulcer

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Loss of appetite is also called: a. bulimia. b. anorexia. c. ascites. d. obstipation. e. aerophagia.

b. anorexia

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An accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity is called: a. anorexia. b. edema. c. ascites. d. bulimia. e. flatus.

c. ascites

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A condition of stones in the common bile duct is called: a. cholangiectasis. b. cholecystopathy. c. choledocholithiasis. d. choledochal. e. cholelith.

c. choledocholithiasis

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Chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract is called: a. Graves disease. b. colonic polyposis. c. dysentery. d. Crohn disease. e. diarrhea.

d. Crohn disease

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Black tarry stool is called: a. steatorrhea. b. melanoma. c. melena. d. mucus. e. steatoma.

c. melena

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Jaundice is caused by excessive levels of: a. saliva. b. chyme. c. gastric acid. d. insulin. e. bilirubin.

e. bilirubin

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Which is a term that means stricture or narrowing of the rectum? a. Rectodynia. b. Rectoplasty. c. Rectospasm. d. Rectopexy. e. Rectostenosis.

e. rectostenosis

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Crohn disease is a bowel disorder that is also known as: a. diarrhea. b. volvulus. c. ischemia. d. melena. e. regional enteritis.

e. regional enteritis

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Acute gastritis or peptic ulcer may cause: a. diarrhea. b. sialorrhea. c. hyperemesis. d. cholemesis. e. hematemesis.

e. hematemesis

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Which of the following diseases is transmitted by infected blood? a. Crohn disease b. Pancreatitis c. Hematemesis d. Hepatitis B e. Mycosis

d. hepatitis B

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Bleeding gums is a primary symptom of: a. gingivitis. b. sialitis. c. esophagitis. d. stomatitis. e. periodontitis.

a. gingivitis

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Inflammation of the lips is called: a. gingivitis. b. stomatitis. c. pharyngitis. d. sialitis. e. cheilitis.

e. cheilitis

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Surgical connection of two tubular structures is called: a. colostomy. b. obstipation. c. peristalsis. d. ileostomy. e. anastomosis.

e. anastomosis

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What is the term for a group of procedures used to treat morbid obesity? a. Gastrostomy b. Gastrectomy c. Enterostomy d. Bariatric surgery e. Nuclear procedures

d. bariatric surgery

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Suture of the second portion of the small intestine is known as: a. enterorrhaphy. b. ileorrhaphy. c. duodenorrhaphy. d. jejunorrhaphy. e. colorrhaphy.

d. jejunorraphy

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What is the term for the diagnostic procedure to examine the rectum and the anal canal? a. Sigmoidoscopy b. Colonoscopy c. Enteroscopy d. Coloscopy e. Proctoscopy

e. proctoscopy

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What instrument is used to perform a lower GI endoscopy? a. Esophagoscope b. Gastroscope c. Colonoscope d. Enteroscope e. Duodenoscope

c. colonoscope

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Structural abnormalities of the esophagus may be diagnosed by endoscopy of the: a. lower GI tract. b. rectum. c. small intestine. d. upper GI tract. e. sigmoid colon.

d. upper GI gract

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What is an imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce an image of the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas? a. Magnetic resonance imaging b. CT scan c. Radiograph d. Ultrasonography e. Nuclear scan

d. ultrasonography

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Which instrument is used to perform a gastroscopy? a. Sigmoidoscope b. Flexible, fiberoptic scope c. Colonoscope d. Fluoroscopic scope e. Esophagoscope

b. flexible, fiberoptic scope

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The procedure that takes radiographic images of the gallbladder after administration of a contrast medium is called: a. barium swallow. b. choledochocystography. c. cholecystography. d. sialography. e. cholangiography.

c. cholecystogrpahy

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Which of the following specialists is correctly matched with the procedures they perform? a. A periodontist straightens teeth. b. A gastrologist treats gingivitis. c. A cardiologist treats muscular disorders. d. An orthodontist treats tooth pain. e. An enterologist treats diseases of the intestinal tract.

e. An enterologist treats diseases of intestinal tract.

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An imaging technique that uses a contrast medium to reveal gallstones or other obstruction in the bile ducts is called: a. cholangiography. b. EGD. c. barium swallow. d. BE. e. nuclear scan.

a. cholangiogrpahy

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Which test identifies microorganisms or parasites present in feces? a. Serum bilirubin b. Stool culture c. LFT d. Stool guaiac e. Hemoccult

b. stool culture

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Gastroplasty is a type of surgery to treat: a. polyps. b. hernias. c. ruptures. d. obesity. e. infections.

d. obesity

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Which test detects the presence of occult (hidden) blood in feces? a. Bilirubin b. Serum panel c. Parasite test d. Stool guaiac e. Endoscopy

d. stool guaiac

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The endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine is called: a. esophagogastroscopy. b. gastroduodenoesophagoscopy. c. esophagogastroduodenoscopy. d. gastroenteroscopy. e. colonofibroscopy.

c. esophagogastroduodenoscopy

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Which blood test is used to confirm the specific virus causing hepatitis? a. Bilirubin test b. CBC c. Liver function test d. Hepatitis panel e. WBC

d. hepatitis panel

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Which endoscopic procedure is used to determine the presence of polyps in the colon? a. Duodenoscopy b. Lower GI c. Upper GI d. Gastroscopy e. Jejunoscopy

b. lower GI

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Which laboratory test is used to establish cirrhosis associated with heavy alcohol use? a. Liver function test b. Serum bilirubin c. Hematocrit d. CBC e. Blood culture

a. liver function test

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Which physician specializes in treatment of the gums? a. Orthodontist b. Pedodontist c. Periodontist d. Dentist e. Endodontist

c. periodontist

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Which medical specialty is concerned with digestive disorders? a. Pulmonology b. Gastroenterology c. Endocrinology d. Oncology e. Dermatology

b. gastroenterology

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Which noninvasive procedure uses shock waves to break up stones in the biliary ducts? a. Lithectomy b. Cholelithectomy c. Lithotomy d. Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy e. Choledocholithotomy

d. extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy

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Backflow (reflux) of gastric contents into the esophagus is abbreviated as: a. IBS. b. CF. c. LES. d. GERD. e. PUD.


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Which abbreviation means pertaining to the stomach and intestine? a. GER b. GI c. GERD d. GB e. EGI

b. GI

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Metamucil is used to treat: a. spasms. b. constipation c. loose stools. d. nausea. e. vomiting.

b. constipation

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Antiemetics are prescribed to: a. relieve diarrhea. b. decrease gastrointestinal spasms. c. treat constipation. d. control nausea and vomiting. e. relieve indigestion.

d. control nausea and vomiting

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The route of nutrition or medication administered through a tube inserted through the nose and into the stomach is charted as: a. NPC. b. NPO. c. NG. d. NS. e. RS.

c. NG

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Which medication is administered to control nausea and vomiting? a. Antiemetic b. Antacid c. Antidiarrheal d. Antispasmodic e. Laxative

a. antiemtic

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Which medication is administered to control heartburn and acid reflux? a. Antispasmodic b. Antiemetic c. Antiseptic d. Antacid e. Antihistamine

d. antacid

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A series of radiographic images of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine is abbreviated as: a. UGIS. b. GI. c. GBS. d. GB. e. GERD.


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An MRI that visualizes the biliary and pancreatic ducts and gallbladder is abbreviated as: a. ESWL. b. CT. c. EUS. d. MRCP. e. GBS.


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The blood test that evaluates liver injury and function is abbreviated as: a. LGI. b. UGIS. c. HAV. d. LFT. e. HDV.

d. LFT

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T/F: Steatorrhea is another term for fatty stools.


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T/F: Incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements.


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T/F: Melena refers to light-colored feces that contain pus.


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T/F: Cirrhosis is a chronic pancreatic disease.


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T/F: Obstipation is the term for severe constipation.


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T/F: Crohn disease is also known as regional enteritis.


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T/F: Cachexia is a disorder in which a person gains excessive weight.


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T/F: Colorectal cancer usually arises from the epithelial lining of the large intestine.


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T/F: Peptic ulcer disease may occur in the sigmoid colon.


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T/F: Proctoplasty is the surgical repair of the rectum.


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T/F: Anastomosis is a procedure to remove polyps from a vessel.


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T/F: A large-bore needle may be used to remove a core of tissue from the liver.


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T/F: stool guaiac is used to detect the presence of blood in feces.


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T/F: Colostomies are performed to divert fecal flow to a bag on the outside of the body.


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