The design mix
Provides a framework for businesses for businesses to create and implement successful marketing strategies
Product design mix is…
function, aesthetics, and costs
The four components work together to…
satisfy the needs and wants of a target market while achieving the company’s objectives
Products can be…
tangible goods (they can be held) or intangible services (something the customer pays for but can’t necessarily touch)
Balacing the elements of function,aesthetic, and cost helps the product design be…
both functional and attractive, while also being cost-effective for both the manufacturer and the consumer
Refers to its intended purpose and the specific tasks it is designed to perform. This is the most important aspect of its design because it determines how well the product will meet the needs of its intended users.
refers to the product’s visual and sensory appeal, including its form, shape, colour and texture. This plays an important role in attracting customers, creating brand loyalty and generating word of mouth recommendations.
Must be considered when designing a product, as it directly affects the price point at which it can be sold. A well designed production should balance this with value, ensuring that customers perceive the product as valuable enough to justify its cost while still maintaining profitability.