Gov Quiz 10/04

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formal qualifications to be president

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formal qualifications to be president

natural born citizen of US, at least 35, and a resident for at least 14 years

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duties and responsibilities of president

implementing and enforcing laws written by Congress, appoint heads of federal agencies, including cabinet

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benefits that president recieves

pension, transition, staff and office, medical insurance, and secret service protection, Air Force 1, Marine 1, Camp David

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Which article of the Constitution applies to the Executive Branch?

Article II

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12th Amendment

separated the elections for president and VP, each elector has one vote for each

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22nd Amendment

a president cannot exceed two terms or 10 years in office

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25th Amendment

declares line of succession (President, VP, Speaker of the House)

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How does the electoral college work?

based off of number of senators and representatives of each state, plus 3 reps. from Washington D.C. Electors vote (representing state/district) on who should be president through popular vote. 270 votes required to win. people choose electors.

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How do Maine and Nebraska allocate their electoral college voters?

2 senator votes are given to whoever wins the popular vote. Then 1 vote is allotted to the candidate who wins in each district (per district)

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significance of 1800 election

Jefferson and Burr tied 36 times in the election causing the 12th amendment to be created

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checks and balances of executive branch on other branches

legislative: veto bills, add signing statements, distribute executive order judicial: reprieve, pardon, commutation, amnesty, and nominate judges

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changes in executive branch size and departments of cabinet

was roughly few thousand with 4 cabinet members and then became 4 million with 16 members

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summarize executive branch in one sentence.

The executive branch is made up of the president, vice president, cabinet, and other executive departments and carries out and enforces laws.

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executive privilege, pardons, and executive order (limits)

executive privilege: ability to refuse to disclose info to congress/federal courts; must obey supreme court pardon: legal forgiveness of a crime; only involves federal offense executive order: a spoken law that bypasses the legislative process; can be overturned by federal courts

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How did Richard Nixon challenge executive privilege?

Nixon argued that executive privilege gave him the power to withhold sensitive information (tapes), he believed he was exempt from the court's order.

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postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution

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legally forgive a group of wrongdoers for a crime

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legally forgive an individual for a crime

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lessening a punishment for a criminal (such as shortening a sentence or decreasing the amount of money paid in a fine)

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presidential salary

400k plus 50k spending money

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