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Arable Land
Fertile Land
The spatial and ecological aspects of population
Ex. Distribution, Density, Fertility, Gender, Health, Age, Mortality, Migration
Population Density
Measure of population per unit area
ex. Total population/ Total land are= people per square unit
Unevenly distributed across world
Carrying Capacity
The population beyond which a given environment cannot provide support without becoming significantly damaged
More accurate representation of overpopulation
Total population/ Total arable land area
Can be eased by increased trade for needed resources
Crude Birth Rate (CBR)
Number of births per year per thousand people
Total Fertility Rate
Average number of children born to a woman in her reproductive life time
Zero Population Rate
When there is no increase or decrease in poplation
Crude Death Rate (CDR)
The deaths per year per 1000 people
Highest Death rates: Sub-Saharan Africa
Population Explosion
A dramatic increase in world population since 1900
Causes: Steep decline in death rate without decline in fertility rate
Humans have begun to reproduce at an exponential rate
Malthusian Theory
Global population grows at a faster rate (Exponential) than people are able to produce food (Linear)
Results in worldwide famine that will ultimately control population
Neo Malthusians
Suggest that Malthus's hypothesis may still be correct
Sustainability: Can we keep producing the way we are?- Farming practices deplete nutrients in soil, depletion of irrigation sources
Increasing Per Capita Demand: What if everyone ate as much as 1st world countries?- As 3rd countries develop their populations will demand more food
Natural Resource Depletion: What happens if we run out of other nonrenewable materials?- Depleting other resources such as timber, oil and minerals negatively effects quality of life
Population Pyramid
Percentage of the total population in fiver year age groups
Youngest at bottom oldest at top
Males on left Females on right
Length of bar represents the percentage of the total population
Dependency Ratio
The percentage of population that is either too young or too old to work compared to the working population
Too young= 0-14 years old, Too old= over 65 years old
Highest dependency ratio in Sub-Saharan Africa
USA= 50.4%
Social Consequences of Dependency Ratio
Changing roles of children/elders
Increasing "grey power"= elderly are generally conservative
Increased immigration
Senior neighborhoods
Decline of services for youth
Growth of services for elderly
Social conflict
Economic Consequences of Dependency Ratio
Increased government cost to society due to government programs and taxes
Increased economic pressure on labor force
Labor supply issues= not enough workers
Changes in employment opportunity
Economic pressure on adult children
Sex Ratio
Number of males per 100 females in the population
Developed Countries have more women than men
Asian countries have more men than women
Demographic Transition Model Stage 1
High death rates and high birth rates
Produces no long term natural increase
Hunter gathering societies
When a population has food the birth rate will increase- Usually not sustainable
High birth and death rate
Examples: A few remote groups
Reasons for change in birth rate DTM 1
Many children needed for farming. Many children die at early age. Religious/ social encouragement. No family Planning
Reasons for change in death rate DTM 1
Disease, famine, poor medical knowledge so many children die.
Demographic Transition Model Stage 2
High birth rate and rapidly falling death rates
Very high natural increase
North America and Europe enter in the 1750's- Advancements of industrial revolution increased standard of living
Latin America and Asia enter in the 1950's- Medical revolution increased health care
Examples: Egypt, Kenya, India
Reasons for change in birth rate DTM 2
Same as DTM 1 Many children needed for farming. Many children die at early age, Religious/social encouragement, no family planning.
Reasons for change in death rate DTM 2
Improvement in medical care, water supply and sanitation. Fewer children die.
Demographic Transition Model Stage 3
Death rate falls more slowly
Birth rates rapidly decline and death rates continue to decline
Rate of natural increase begins to moderate
Decision to have fewer children- live in cities reaction to decline in mortality
North America and Europe enter in early 1900's
Examples: Brazil
Reasons for change in birth rate DTM 3
Improved medical care and diet. Fewer children needed
Reasons for change in death rate DTM 3
Sames as Stage 2, Improvements in medical care, water supply and sanitation and fewer children die.
Demographic Transition Model Stage 4
Very low birth rates and death rates
Virtually no long term increases and possible decline
Characterized by zero population growth
Social Customs cause shift- increasing status of women, more likely to use birth control
Examples: USA, Japan, France, UK
Reasons for change in birth rate DTM 4
Family Planning, Good health, improving status of women, later marriages
Reasons for change in death rate DTM 4
Good health care, reliable food supply
Demographic Transition model Stage 5
Very low birth rates, low death rates, slow decrease in Natural Increase
Examples: Germany
Have few women in child bearing years
Problems: Few young people to support the elderly population
Not enough workers to stimulate the economy
Reasons for change in birth rate DTM 5
Same as Stage 4, Family Planning, good health, improving status of women later marriages
Reasons for change in death rate DTM 5
Good health care, reliable food supply
reasons for lowering of birth rates
Education and health care- better education, later marriages and survival of more infants
Contraception: Especially in Asian countries, Sub-Saharan Africa has very little access to contraceptives, religion inhibits
Population Control
Regulating population of a place by artificial means
Epidemiological Transition
The branch of medical science concerned with the incidence, distribution and control of diseases
For each stage of model there are specific health threats
Geographer trace these on the ETM
Stage 1 ETM
Infectious and parasitic diseases are main cause of death
Black Death, cholera, malaria, HIV/AIDS
Stage 2 ETM
Receding Pandemics
Improved sanitation, nutrition and medicine reduced the spread of infectious disease
Poor people compacted in cities had high death rates
Cholera, Meningitis
Stage 3 ETM
Degenerative Diseases
Chronic disorders associated with aging
Cardio vascular disease, Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer's
Stage 4 ETM
Still affected by cardiovascular disease and cancer