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Examples of Negative Impacts of Humans on Wildlife
Habitat loss and fragmentation (land for the road), increased disturbance (road noise), habitat degradation (air pollution, litter, dropped oils and coolants), and increased risk of mortality (road kills).
Recreation Activites effecting Wading Birds
Boating, fishing, canoeing, windsurfing, birdwatching, jet skiing (in rookery areas)
Potential Impacts effecting Wading Birds
Birds highly susceptible due to nesting densities. Detrimental effects include egg and nestling mortality, premature fledglings, nestling slow growth or weight loss, nest or site abandonment
Solutions effecting Wading Birds
175-m buffer for terns and 125-m buffer for waders. Use professional discretion when birds are acclimated to humans
Recreational Activities effecting Green-backed Herons
Canoeing, kayaking, fishing, boating
Potential Impacts effecting Green-backed Herons
Heron activity declined in 76% of areas tested when river usage increased
Solutions effecting Green-backed Herons
May be able to use as an indicator species showing when recreational activity levels are too high to maintain natural wildlife population numbers
Recreational Activities effecting Waterfowl
Boating, fishing, water skiing
Potential Impacts effecting Waterfowl
Bank erosion; loss of aquatic vegetation; excessive energy expenditures for wildlife; lower reproduction rates; abandonment; broods moved to margin habitats.
Solutions effecting Waterfowl
No-wake zones or non-motorized boat zones. Restrict fishing and hunting activities. Increase public awareness. Create inviolate refuges at least 1.5x2 kilometers in size. Move broods to margin habitats
Recreational Activities effecting Bad Eagles
Boating, canoeing
Potential Impacts effecting Bad Eagles
Canoes flushed ground-feeding eagles at distances exceeding 460 m. Boats in winter caused flushing at distances of 265 m and in summer, 175 m
Solutions effecting Bad Eagles
Restrict boating activities in known feeding areas during peak feeding times — early morning and late afternoon
Recreational Activities effecting Nesting raptors (southwestern United States)
Hiking, rock climbing, angling, hunting
Potential Impacts effecting Nesting raptors (southwestern United States)
Altered distribution; prevented incubation; caused abandonment of breeding territories; lowered reproduction; affected foraging
Solutions effecting Nesting raptors (southwestern United States)
Deny access to important nesting areas or impose spatial/temporal restrictions
Recreational Activities effecting Alligators
Any activity decreasing water quality
Potential Impacts effecting Alligators
Contaminant tests in the tail meat found eight metals (including mercury), DDE, DDT, DDD, PCBs, lindane, and others
Solutions effecting Alligators
Continue monitoring for contaminants. Potentially use contaminants as an environmental monitor. Retain functional Clean Water Act
Recreational Activities effecting Fish
Water activity using gas motors
Potential Impacts effecting Fish
Oily substances left in and on the water are toxic to fish. Decreased reproductive rates; disturbed nesting (can cause abandonment); tainted meat
Solutions effecting Fish
Develop guidelines to restrict emissions from motors used on watercraft
Recreational Activities effecting Manatees
Motorboat racing, boating
Potential Impacts effecting Manatees
Can hit, cut, and kill; killing is direct or through infection
Solutions effecting Manatees
Education and enforcement of recreational boaters and activities. Guidelines developed by USFWS and the Coast Guard are in use when manatees are in a race area
Recreational Activities effecting Wildlife Communities
Fishing, hiking, rafting, photography, canoeing, kayaking, vehicles, off-road biking
Potential Impacts effecting Wildlife Communities
Disrupts community dynamics. Can lead to displacement, reduced feeding times, sickness, and death. Reduces reproduction. Causes declines in population numbers and species diversity
Solutions effecting Wildlife Communities
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service