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Leonardo da vinci, Madonna of the Rocks. C. 1485. Oil on panel.
Uses a triangular composition. Uses Chiaroscuro (Contrasting areas of light and dark) and Stumato (Hazy atmosphere) Depicts Jesus, Virgin, and John the Baptist.
St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, begun c. 1503.
Aerial view and ground plans
Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper. 1400s-1500s. Fresco tempera + Oil paint.
Made for Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Depicts the moment of Jesus saying one of his apostles will betray him.
Michelangelo, David. 1500s, marble. 17ft.
Commisioned by Opera del Duomo. Stands in contrapposso pose. David was a beloved figure in Florence.
Michelangelo, Pieta, 1400s-1500s. Marble,
Shows Mary mourning Jesus. Leads the viewer to empathize with Mary. Mary is much bigger than jesus to create a feeling of support.
Michelangelo, Sistine chapel ceiling (general view) 1500s. Fresco
contains scenes from Old Testament of the Bible. Book of genesis + prophets. Commissioned by Pope Julius II
Michelangelo, Creation of Adam. Detail from the Sistine Chapel painting. 1500s, Fresco.
Depicts the moment right before God brings life to Adam. His hand reaches out to Adam. Adam’s hand is very limp and heavy, showing that he hasn’t quite come to life entirely.
Raphael, School of Athens. 1500s. Fresco.
Depicts the best Roman philosophers in a classical setting. They were considered the founders of human knowledge. Uses linear perspective.