what law passage has led to the explosion of interest, groups, and lobbying
Madison argued that a large______ Can help curb the power of interest group
What is pluralism?
interest group competition
what was Madison‘s opinion on factions
bad but controllable
Who fills the power vacuum when parties fail to deliver results?
Interest groups
when the government creates an agency ____ ______ often gets created as well
an interest group
Traditional interest interest group
Go to promote economic interest of its members
Non-traditional interest group
Go to protest the status of this members to convince government to take action
Single issue interest group
go to get government action on one overwriting issue, Polarizing effect
public interest group
Goes to bring about good policy for society as a whole
Ideological interest group
Goes to convince government to implement policies that are consistent with their philosophies
Process of resolving right disputes through court system
Who is under represented by interest groups and why is that?
Low income, they lack resources
Out of all interest groups, which one is the most polarizing
Single issue
What is an example of an ideological interest group?
Christian coalition
What is an initiative?
Registered voter force public vote
what are Amicus curiae briefs?
friend/ person w/ what is being fought for, of the group does lawsuit for the group
ex. disabled people
How would the NRA use a report card on a candidate to influence the Election
Give people knowledge of multiple candidates
ways groups might try to influence the political process
initiative, Referendum, Recall and mass mailing
when registered voters get to accept or reject proposal
Vote to remove candidate
At what government level, our initiative, referendum and recall practice
The bigger, the interest group the more____ They have but the less____
money, Cohesiveness
Describe the free rider Problem
People benefit without buying into the interest group
How can you avoid the free rider problem?
Offered incentive for people to join
what is lobbying
Trying to influence a public official
what does grassroots mean?
Lobbying at its lowest level
lobbyist are sometimes called a _____ House of Congress
One of the best strategies that interest groups can use is librarian and Congress to make ______
small Changes to existing legislation
Lobbyist try to influence Congress by providing
Information on technical issues
What is concerning about lobbies and where they came from?
corrupt, rich and powerful over represented and contribute to political polarization
what is the revolving door?
When a politician works for a public, then a private sector
what did the federal election campaign act of the 1970s require?
To disclose contributions and expenditure
What is soft money?
money spent for candidate Without being given
groups can criticize Candidates running for office in
Public financing ads
what was the ruling of Buckley v. Valeo
First amendment protest spending as a form of expression
what are spending limits on congressional campaign expenditures?
individuals $1k, PAC $5k
Citizens United v. FEC
Corporations have the right to engage in political speech
The bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002 was designed to shorten what
soft money donations
what is a superPAC
independent expenditure only committee, unlimited amount spent
if a candidate chooses to accept federal matching funds, what do they have to give up?
Money from other sources
what Supreme Court decision set the stage for unlimited superPAC Spending
Buckley v. Valero (1976) FECA
socialist libertarian, and green parties are all examples of
3rd parties
example of divided government
When President house of representatives and Senate are not all a part of the same party
How has party membership changed in the last 50 years?
People are becoming more independent
while the 1980s brought Republicans to the White House, many congressmen and state governments were still
Committee chairs in the house of reps are always going to belong to which party
Republic majority
What type of mechanism are parties?
every four years, the parties have a ____ ______ Where they develop a ____ _____
National convention, party platform
What important contributions do third parties
raise issue, spoiler role
What is an obstacle in the way of third-party victory
winner take all system
how has the primary system changed the selection of candidates Election
Candidate senator campaign
People that work for congressman are
civil service exams have put an end to the
patronage/ spoil system
judicial branch appointments are
17th amendment
Direct election of US senators
what # has grown Democrat national conventions
People of color and women delegates
Who determines the boundaries of congressional districts
State legislators
during election season, the media most frequently reports
Who’s winning?
what is the word for the type of journalism that reports on who’s winning?
Horse race
Study shows that journalist _____ Than the public
newspaper owners are traditionally ____ Than the public
The most important thing to news channels is
it is likely that a candidate will do most of their interview interviews with
Aligned new sources
What is a soundbite?
short clip With full context of speech
What is a photo op?
a created favorable advertisement
What is the gatekeeper role of media
Influence subjects that are of national importance
what is the scorekeeper role of media?
To keep track of who’s winning in the polls
what is the watchdog role of the media?
to scrutinize people, places and events
what branch gets the most negative press coverage?