Natural selection
________, gene flow, and genetic drift are the three fundamental factors that drive changes in allele frequencies in a population.
Gene flow
________ in plants can occur by pollen transfer (through wind or animals) into new plant populations.
Random mating Random mating
________ reduces the likelihood of sexual selection modifying allele frequencies.
Godfrey Hardy
________ and Wilhelm Weinberg, both scientists, created equations that explain these stable populations.
random loss of alleles
The ________ in a population is referred to as genetic drift.
________ are a random process, but natural selection, which operates on the phenotypes that arise from those ________, is not.
genetic diversity
Population A was created by only individuals who possessed the allele indicated by white squares, resulting in less ________ than existed in the initial population.
transmission of alleles
The ________ from one population to another is referred to as gene flow.
bottleneck effect
The ________ is one probable source of genetic drift.
genetic drift
A shift in allele frequencies (induced by ________) is significantly more frequent in small populations.
removal of members
The introduction of additional people, or the ________ from a population, may alter the allele frequencies.